Bill de Blasio the idiot democrat mayor of New York

And maybe he'll face federal crimes for inciting a deadly riot.

Oh, I think he is facing charges on various frons both Federal and State, it is one of the Main reasons he was so desperate to get re-elected. The Line is already getting long to file charges, who gets him first the Feds or the States?
whaaa whaaaa call the police some bad man said something hurtful to me , respond to me not the mugging or robbery or rape or murder my feelings were hurt arrest the bad man were pussy's and cant take it whaaaa whaaaa . what do you mean we were idiots and cut the police budget by 25 percent so what my feeling were hurt and Im a democrat and pay taxes I demand justice .
Yes he cut the police budget by 1 billion and crime has increased drastically and no he want to police to deal with hurtful statements when robbery murder drugs muggings home invasions are out os site in his liberal paradise.
What a moron he must have dutch and owl thing as advisors .

Idiot and democrat are redundant