Bill Maher Refuses to Air Kanye (Ye) Interview

“He’s a very charming antisemite,” he quipped."
Bill Maher doesn't even know what "antisemitic" means. You apparently don't either.

I think we should let nazis speak and hang themselves with their own words.
You don't even know what a "Nazi" is.

An entire post demonstrating the left doesn't know what they're talking about and that they only know how to virtue-signal with inappropriately used buzzwords. Too funny.

"Ye has repeatedly made antisemitic statements over the last two years, including praising Hitler as a guest on the controversial Infowars show and blaming “Jewish media” and “Jewish Zionists” for his various controversies. In 2022, he once threatened to go “death con 3 on Jewish people.”
I'm guessing that none of this happened in the interview, which is why Bill Maher is not posting the interview that he thought would be filled with exposed dirty laundry.

This is one of the nazis trump hosted for dinner, along with Nick Fuentes, another Nazi.
Yep, you don't know what a "Nazi" is.
Yep, you're just virtue-signaling.
Yep, you're only looking for attention.
You're desperate. I pity you.
I don't think so. His constant criticism of trump drives his ratings up.
Nope. It does not help his ratings. However, Bill Maher and other leftists will make that claim to uneducated leftist gullibles who believe everything they are told to believe.
Bill Maher doesn't even know what "antisemitic" means. You apparently don't either.

You don't even know what a "Nazi" is.

An entire post demonstrating the left doesn't know what they're talking about and that they only know how to virtue-signal with inappropriately used buzzwords. Too funny.

I'm guessing that none of this happened in the interview, which is why Bill Maher is not posting the interview that he thought would be filled with exposed dirty laundry.

Yep, you don't know what a "Nazi" is.
Yep, you're just virtue-signaling.
Yep, you're only looking for attention.
You're desperate. I pity you.

<shrug>. I just have to chuckle at your attempt to troll me. I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me. You "pity" me? <scoff!>
Nope. It does not help his ratings. However, Bill Maher and other leftists will make that claim to uneducated leftist gullibles who believe everything they are told to believe.

Whatever, the times Bill's made fun of "the woke" trumptards cream in their pants.

People who idolize trump kiss the ass of a fraud, rapist, traitor and criminal. I think this is solid proof you're the gullible one, trumptard.

But keep tryin' to troll me. pfffft!
<shrug>. I just have to chuckle at your attempt to troll me. I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me. You "pity" me? <scoff!>
Your virtue-signaling clearly indicates that you care deeply about what people think of you. You are obviously desperate to be deemed a thmart perthon instead of the uneducated moron you are.

It is not trolling to offer condolances. You should have paid attention in school.

Whatever, the times Bill's made fun of "the woke" trumptards cream in their pants.
Nope. Maher's audience isn't comprised of Trump supporters but only of immature, uneducated, leftist virtue-signalers who can only feel good about themselves when they are mocking others and feigning indignance.

People who idolize trump kiss the ass of a fraud
People with TDS cannot think for themselves; they simply OBEY their thought-masters who bend them over furniture and ream disinformation into them. I will never allow others to do my thinking for me, while you can push the envelope of stretching your colon.

Hey, when you cough while being reamed, does shit drip out your nose?
Guno צְבִי;5907911 said:

Giving an antisemite a platform is never good
Obviously you are lying. You have given a platform to plenty of antisemitic Jews.

Oh, Sybil!
Does anybody even care about Maher anymore? He has become the old crank yelling at kids to get off his lawn.
Agree. Bill is a contrarian solely for the attention. I think he peaked with Politically Incorrect, and festered into the mess that Real Time has become over time.
It's good for America to see there is actual antisemitism in America and that it's not a made-up problem. Maher is doing the world a disservice by silencing Kanye (Ye) - whoever the fuck he is. It's important because some people actually do listen to him, as fucked up as he is. For example, I'm glad people know that Elon's a fucking antisemite.
For many issues, this is spot on.

Unfortunately, Netanyahu has created a situation around the world where Israel is now viewed as a Nazi state that commits genocide. Ironic for sure.

It's hard to discern if the IDF soldiers are rogue actors or if the orders come from the top? They blew up an ambulance that stopped to rescue a child who was injured/trapped in a car after an explosion. They murdered an American citizen who had his hands up to show he wasn't the enemy.

All Jews are now viewed as being in support of this heinous behavior, so allowing anyone (let alone a delusional pro trump Nazi sympathizer) to spew more hatred is dangerous. It doesn't take much to incite one idiot to blow up a shul.
For many issues, this is spot on.

Unfortunately, Netanyahu has created a situation around the world where Israel is now viewed as a Nazi state that commits genocide. Ironic for sure.

It's hard to discern if the IDF soldiers are rogue actors or if the orders come from the top? They blew up an ambulance that stopped to rescue a child who was injured/trapped in a car after an explosion. They murdered an American citizen who had his hands up to show he wasn't the enemy.

All Jews are now viewed as being in support of this heinous behavior, so allowing anyone (let alone a delusional pro trump Nazi sympathizer) to spew more hatred is dangerous. It doesn't take much to incite one idiot to blow up a shul.
Bibi wasn't the person responsible for October 7th. While I agree that some of his actions are far right and, therefore, unhelpful, let's be honest here and admit that after 75 fucking years of constant attacks by radical Muslims intent on destroying Israel, that the Muslims bear a great deal of responsibility here too.
Bibi wasn't the person responsible for October 7th. While I agree that some of his actions are far right and, therefore, unhelpful, let's be honest here and admit that after 75 fucking years of constant attacks by radical Muslims intent on destroying Israel, that the Muslims bear a great deal of responsibility here too.
Hamas is a terrorist organization that must be eradicated. Much like Bin Laden.

In both cases, thousands of innocents were killed in retaliation that was not commensurate with the original act. In fact, Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.

As such, both leaders took what was near unanimous worldwide support and quickly turned it into condemnation.

The Israel issue is too complex to render down into Oct. 7. But Bibi most definitely had a large part to play in the attack. To ignore the decades of oppression of Palestine, and the continued West Bank expansion, is downplaying the foundation for the Hamas attack. The world watched and did nothing while Israel continued to starve Palestinians.

Now the world watches genocide, and the U.S blocks any attempt to end the massacre.

Every Hamas leader should be hung upside down in the public square. Same for every Hamas fighter.

That is not what is being achieved right now, and Netanyahu is seen as a genocidal maniac on the world stage.

We don't need Kanye to have a voice in furthering the violence against innocent Jews who don't agree with the genocide in the first place.
Hamas is a terrorist organization that must be eradicated. Much like Bin Laden.

In both cases, thousands of innocents were killed in retaliation that was not commensurate with the original act. In fact, Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.

As such, both leaders took what was near unanimous worldwide support and quickly turned it into condemnation.

The Israel issue is too complex to render down into Oct. 7. But Bibi most definitely had a large part to play in the attack. To ignore the decades of oppression of Palestine, and the continued West Bank expansion, is downplaying the foundation for the Hamas attack. The world watched and did nothing while Israel continued to starve Palestinians.

Now the world watches genocide, and the U.S blocks any attempt to end the massacre.

Every Hamas leader should be hung upside down in the public square. Same for every Hamas fighter.

That is not what is being achieved right now, and Netanyahu is seen as a genocidal maniac on the world stage.

We don't need Kanye to have a voice in furthering the violence against innocent Jews who don't agree with the genocide in the first place.
Agreed on the destruction of terrorist organizations like Hamas and al-Qaeda.

Innocents are always killed in wars. It's just another reason to avoid war. Look at Sherman's Scorched Earth campaign in the Southern states. When the crops are burned, everyone starves, not just the combatants. I strongly doubt Saddam had any part in 9/11. Like WMDs, that was GW's ploy to plant the American flag in the heart of MidEast Oil. Not a bad idea except that anyone who thinks the US could successfully occupy/colonize Iraq is a fucking moron.

Funny how all the far Lefties consider what Isael is doing to Gaza to be "genocide" yet never claim the same for those screaming "Death to Israel" and "from the River to the Sea"....all the ones in the US screaming those slogans are Democrats. Another reason why I will never vote for a Democrat. :)

Israel has made mistakes, but after 75 years of constant attacks from murderous, antisemitic Muslims, I understand why it's time to finish this once and for all.

Guno צְבִי;5908297 said:
This idiot and his socks are still on my ignore

Sybil fascinates me because he truly is a schizophrenic who is functional enough to log on daily and play with all of his various incarnations.
Your virtue-signaling clearly indicates that you care deeply about what people think of you. You are obviously desperate to be deemed a thmart perthon instead of the uneducated moron you are.

It is not trolling to offer condolances. You should have paid attention in school.

Nope. Maher's audience isn't comprised of Trump supporters but only of immature, uneducated, leftist virtue-signalers who can only feel good about themselves when they are mocking others and feigning indignance.

People with TDS cannot think for themselves; they simply OBEY their thought-masters who bend them over furniture and ream disinformation into them. I will never allow others to do my thinking for me, while you can push the envelope of stretching your colon.

Hey, when you cough while being reamed, does shit drip out your nose?

I'll just sit back, enjoy, and watch your hysterical trumptard triggerdom.

Hey, you should wear your maga hat backwards to proudly display your swastika forehead tattoo, you sorry, slobbering, ignorant fuck.
I'll just sit back, enjoy, and watch your hysterical trumptard triggerdom.
Translation: You've got to sit down after I triggered you into hysteria.

Hey, you should wear your maga hat backwards
Your HATRED for America renders your opinion worthless.

... to proudly display your swastika forehead tattoo,
You're the fascist leftist who drools on his shoe, not I.

Just keep dancing and I'll just keep pulling the strings,
Translation: You've got to sit down after I triggered you into hysteria.

Your HATRED for America renders your opinion worthless.

You're the fascist leftist who drools on his shoe, not I.

Just keep dancing and I'll just keep pulling the strings,

Tsk, tsk. triggered trumptard nazi fuck says, "what?"
Agreed on the destruction of terrorist organizations like Hamas and al-Qaeda.

Innocents are always killed in wars. It's just another reason to avoid war. Look at Sherman's Scorched Earth campaign in the Southern states. When the crops are burned, everyone starves, not just the combatants. I strongly doubt Saddam had any part in 9/11. Like WMDs, that was GW's ploy to plant the American flag in the heart of MidEast Oil. Not a bad idea except that anyone who thinks the US could successfully occupy/colonize Iraq is a fucking moron.

Funny how all the far Lefties consider what Isael is doing to Gaza to be "genocide" yet never claim the same for those screaming "Death to Israel" and "from the River to the Sea"....all the ones in the US screaming those slogans are Democrats. Another reason why I will never vote for a Democrat. :)

Israel has made mistakes, but after 75 years of constant attacks from murderous, antisemitic Muslims, I understand why it's time to finish this once and for all.
For years the Muslim terrorists and Mid East anti Semites did indeed use the slogan River/Sea. And they meant it.

What is being called for today by those supposed Lefties you reference, IMO, is not the eradication of Israel. It is a call for a free Palestine in its entirety. I was pretty uninformed re. Israel/Palestine for years. The stranglehold that Israel has maintained on the entire Palestinian economy isn't typically on the nightly news.

And yes...terrorist attacks on Israel due to the aforementioned stranglehold are not going to make the world agree with the cause. But I can understand the frustration (not the attacks) when the entire world (especially the U.S) has been ignoring the heinous actions for decades.

And yes...what Bibi is doing is genocide. He's wiping out infants and children that would further future generations of Palestinians. I seem to remember reporting when Hamas first attacked that cited the average age of Palestinians is 18.

If all of the young men are indeed terrorists, then genocide is necessary. One must ask if this is the case.
Guno צְבִי;5908297 said:
This idiot and his socks are still on my ignore
Same. There is absolutely nothing of value to be gleaned from anything they post.

As is clear by the quotes in this thread.