Bin Laden dead of Tiphoid fever?


Junior Member
correction*** Typhoid not tiphoid

well, Rove's october surprise is coming out...

the French reported in one of their newspapers that osama is dead and that they had this in formation since september 4th....of course it is not verifiable....

but it makes you wonder if that huge funeral at that cemetary where all the TALIBAN heads were at, when the drone pictured them....and then we decided not to fire on the cemetary....was Osama's funeral?
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So Rove controls the French Newspapers now? Man, that guy truly has overwhelming power!

Seriously though, if Osama is dead by Typhoid Fever I can't see how it would do the Administration much good. They should have caught the bastard long ago, not let him die of some silly disease.
well, Rove's october surprise is coming out...

the French reported in one of their newspapers that osama is dead and that they had this in formation since september 4th....of course it is not verifiable....

but it makes you wonder if that huge funeral at that cemetary where all the TALIBAN heads were at, when the drone pictured them....and then we decided not to fire on the cemetary....was Osama's funeral?

Funny, after all that time he spent on Kidney Dialysis that he would finally die of Typhus...I would have thought kidney failure would have been the proper cause of his demise...perhpas one of their former lieshas already been forgotten...I'll of course believe it when I see the body.

Osama Dead????? One source who has no evidence whatsoever.


I can't stop laughing at this one! But is has driven the mother's killed for their unborn babies off the news, so I guess should look at the bright side...
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OBL is already Dead been for years .

This is a great way for the admin to claim his death and even Hint at how they helped him get infected.
So Rove controls the French Newspapers now? Man, that guy truly has overwhelming power!

Seriously though, if Osama is dead by Typhoid Fever I can't see how it would do the Administration much good. They should have caught the bastard long ago, not let him die of some silly disease.

I guess you have already forgotten about the forged documents that came through the Italians that proved that Hussein had tried to purchase yellow cake from Niger. It's simply a matter of sending someone in to spread the news around, the press will do what they do, which is circulate any stupid story they are given. The Judy Millers of the world will do what they have always done, spread the news around. Will they verify it, will they check it...hell no....just spread it. Like the manure that it is...
LOL. Wha? So, really you people are actually claiming that somehow the Admin has control over French media? That they called them up and just said, "Well, it's time to claim his death! Just report he died of Typhoid Fever, that'll give us the best result!" Is that really what you are claiming?
Don't you think that if they were all claiming it up they'd be all, "We cornered him and kept him pinned down while he was unable to get his kidney treatment!" or something more impressive than Typhoid Fever? Really? This whole everything is a conspiracy is making you all look foolish.
It started in a small french newspaper !

all they have to do is give it to ONE reporter to start it.

What country is more perfect to start it in to have people like you say what you just said?
LOL. Wha? So, really you people are actually claiming that somehow the Admin has control over French media? That they called them up and just said, "Well, it's time to claim his death! Just report he died of Typhoid Fever, that'll give us the best result!" Is that really what you are claiming?

Will you ever read what I say and not what you want me to have said. Do you ever read what is on the page??? Did I say the administration controls the French press??? Did I say the administration sent this guy in... What I said was, reporters will report what they hear without checking it or verifying it in any way and that there are Judy Millers all over the world ready to spread any manure that they are given.

That is what I said, that is what I meant.

I don't see Karl Rove's name anywhere in what I said.

I am laughing my ass off because the American media, like MSNBC, is actually giving this tripe air time...But you can call it anything you want--a big conspiracy...or anything else, just remember I called it a joke spread by jokesters.

And as such I am laughing my ass off!!!!!!!!!

bin Laden Dead...hey just yesterday, Noam Chomsky's books were selling like hotcakes and he was declared dead by no less a personality than Hugo Chavez...evidently bin Laden is entering an elite group, that also included Mark Twain among others...

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The Saudi Arabians are the ones that gave this info to ONE french journalist...he has supposedly been dead since since August 23....

Damo, do you think the Saudis did not give this intelligence info to the USA's Cia?

Or do you think America's Administration gave this info to the Saudi's to give to the french man, to drop in the papers right before the election?

it's a coin toss....imo

Of course, it could be the october surprise that Rove supposedly spoke about, especially if they have been holding this info back since Osama died in late August and since the french and saudi's had this info ON Sept 4th....


People do NOT TRUST this administration anymore Damo, because they have been deceitful and misleading and incompetent....

they are the "girl that cried wolf", one too many even the truth will not be accepted as truth by many....because of their own previous actions.

We should be asking ourselves why was this leaked by the Saudi's to this french reporter NOW? What else is going on out there that they don't want us to talk about or get in to? this is there modus operandi....

it also could be some sort of psyops to get bin laden to come out of his cave to prove to his people that he did not die of some degrading disease vs dying from "the sword"?
I could care less if people trust the administration, Care. I think you know me better than that. This whole everything, including the French reporting a story that would NOT benefit the US, is a conspiracy of the Administration? Come on...

Look, the Admin has not confirmed this, nobody has. I can't see him dying of a disease helping the US look good when we were trying to catch him not let him die of natural causes while we ineptly stumbled around...

If the report was something like, "The US has cornered him and he is sick!" or something to that effect I'd happily consider a conspiracy. However that is not the report. The report says, "The US is so inept right now that instead of catching their man he dies of natural causes!"
well, many are saying Bin laden is ill but he is not dead.....yahdeedah....

you tell me then Damo,

What benefit would there be for the Saudi Arabians to LEAK this info to this French Press?

Do you think that our CIA was unaware that the Saudi's were going to leak this info to the French?

Do you think that we have a GOOD relationship with Saudi Intelligence as the Bush Administration CLAIMS or do you think that this is another lie, and that we do not?

Do you think the Saudi's would leak this info without the Americans knowing that they were going to leak it?

This may not be the surprise that ROVE knew about and was bragging about me that is NOT the main issue....though it could be an issue.....we will just see how this will be played out...

but I am NOT NAIVE enough to believe that the USA was unaware that the Saudi's would intentionally leak this....and if they were not aware of this I would have to question the capabilities of our intelligence agencies and their supposed good relationships with the Saudis....

well, many are saying Bin laden is ill but he is not dead.....yahdeedah....

you tell me then Damo,

What benefit would there be for the Saudi Arabians to LEAK this info to this French Press?

Do you think that our CIA was unaware that the Saudi's were going to leak this info to the French?

Do you think that we have a GOOD relationship with Saudi Intelligence as the Bush Administration CLAIMS or do you think that this is another lie, and that we do not?

Do you think the Saudi's would leak this info without the Americans knowing that they were going to leak it?

This may not be the surprise that ROVE knew about and was bragging about me that is NOT the main issue....though it could be an issue.....we will just see how this will be played out...

but I am NOT NAIVE enough to believe that the USA was unaware that the Saudi's would intentionally leak this....and if they were not aware of this I would have to question the capabilities of our intelligence agencies and their supposed good relationships with the Saudis....

I don't think that they did. I think a small French Newspaper just reported something that they had no evidence of, or unreliable evidence of.

It still has no benefit to the US for him to die of typhoid fever. It is preposterous to suggest that it does benefit the US when all it does is make us look so inept that those fleeing from our justice die of natural causes before getting caught.

It is ridiculous to assume a conspiracy when the report wouldn't benefit them at all!
Really, people do not conspire to appear inept. They conspire to make themselves look better, not worse.
Really, people do not conspire to appear inept. They conspire to make themselves look better, not worse.

Funny this; he ain't dead or even close to death. He's alive and well and living in Pakistan protected by our good friend and ally Musharraf. Who would have never joined us in the war on terror if it hadn't been for threats from the American government ironically and specifically that anti-war maverick, who doesn't remember what he said exactly but that it wasn't he would "bomb
[Pakistan] back to the stone age" which was a threat reserved for the country which was already in the stone age, Afghanistan, Richard, "I didn't even know who Valerie Plame was when I realeased her name to Novak," Armitage.

So yeah, it is interensting that this new report seems to be timed to the day that the number of Americans killed in all Bush's wars now exceeds those killed by bin Laden in starting these wars. Bush has now shown that he can kill more Americans than the terrorists. I guess you can now officially say he has really showed them something and of course, we have to stay the course, in order to make sure that we exceed their number of Americans killed by even more. Because we must make the world and the middle east no matter how badly they don't want it or how wildly they resist, safe for Democracy...and we must make sure that those who have died did not die in vain...and the only way to ensure that is for more Americans to die...nothing circular about that logic.
Yeah, now he is reported to be sick. The US Intel are saying that they totally do not believe that he has died or that even this is true...
Yeah, now he is reported to be sick. The US Intel are saying that they totally do not believe that he has died or that even this is true...

Must be back on dialysis!!!! I bet his kidneys are acting up again. I hear he had that dialysis machine brought form his cave in Tora Bora to the Pakistan frontier by mule.

That's just what I heard from some Saudi dissident last week, I still haven't been able to verify this. However, I have spoken with the mule but being stereotypically stubborn he refused to talk but did say he is remaining mum until his book is finished on the advise of his publisher.

I have calls into the State Department, as soon as I have anything concrete I'll post it...
Lets consider the source here. A french paper with a single saudi source.

Now we all know the french are backstabbing, corrupt chicken shits. And the saudi's are our friends, yeahsureright. If there is any conspiracy going on here I would look left.

I still think he's in iran running his show from there. when he dies it will be announced on aljazera as a defeat to America cause we didn't catch him before nature did. That will be an aljazera exclusive cause he owns that news group outright.
I have no idea how Osama bin Laden dying naturally from typhoid fever could help the Republicans, who failed to catch them with several thousand troops, the best military technology in the world, and 5 whole years. Also, had they caught him, imagine all that information we could've gotten.