Bin Laden dead of Tiphoid fever?

Water ,Bush and team could them say they forced to to live like and rat and then die like a rat.

Typhiod is caused by fecses contamninated water or food.

I can just hear "we made him eat shit and Die".

This way he is also not further martyred by diely by the sword.
Rubbish... All one needs to do is point out that they were so inept they had to wait for old age or disease to do their job.
Man, the rest of the world is who they'd have to sell it to. Why are you so foolish on this one? You want so desperately for it to be some sort of conspiracy of the government that it doesn't matter that if it were even true it wouldn't make them look good? People do not conspire to make themselves appear inept. Even "evil" people don't conspire to make themselves look foolish.
I'll wait, but it still won't make Bush look good, regardless of if it is true or not. Even Bush doesn't think this much of the world revolves around Bush...
In fact, it draws so much attention to Bush's inept "search" for bin Laden that it has more the appearance of the handiwork of the "vast left-wing conspiracy" (said in a Darth Vader voice) than that of Righty hands!
they can infer they had something to do with his demise.

They infer there are still wmds

They still infer 911 Sadam links

They infer Clinton did nothing to get obl

They do this shit all the time and a certain segment always buys it
Yeah, now he is reported to be sick. The US Intel are saying that they totally do not believe that he has died or that even this is true...
The only possible reason I would be at all prone to believe this is the fact that "US Intel are saying that they totally do not believe that he has died." If they are right about this it would be the first thing since before Castro took over Cuba, which they also didn't see coming. In fact they thought Batista would have clear sailing for at least two or three years and said as much just days before Castro unleashed his forces...resulting in Bastista's overthrow.
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The only possible reason I would be at all prone to believe this is the fact that "US Intel are saying that they totally do not believe that he has died." If they are right about this it would be the first thing since before Castro took over Cuba, which they also didn't see coming. In fact they thought Batista would have clear sailing for at least two or three years and said as much just days before Castro unleashed his forces...resulting in Bastista's overthrow.
They also thought he would hold free elections as soon as he was through with the coup.
They also thought he would hold free elections as soon as he was through with the coup.

I don't know about that, first time I've heard that, but they did believe that he wouldn't last long and there was no reason to give him any money so after his victorious ticker tape parade through Manhatten, he was quickly ushered out a side door without so much as a even a token aide package and directly into the arms of the waiting and jubilent Soviet Union.

And of course he is still nearly 50 years later on the verge of losing his power.
Castro said after the coup "why do we need to hold elections the people have already made their choice"?
Yep. And that was one of the first reasons we "cut him off" rather than an assumption that he "wouldn't last long".
Yep. And that was one of the first reasons we "cut him off" rather than an assumption that he "wouldn't last long".

I think that history is being a little twisted here, number one, the US has never been adverse to forgoing elections under unfavorable circumstances. In fact, the US policy has generally been we only want elections that will give us the leaders we want to win. At the same time that you say the US left Castro in the lurch because he wasn't going to hold elections, the US was sontinuously putting off UN ordered elections in South Vietnam. So the elections deal is a little weak, if not outright hypocritical. Although the US government under nearly every administrration since George Washington, has been nothing if not hypocritical. But leaving that aside. When Castro got done with his parade he met with very low level officials in the State Department, he was disgusted and disappointed with the treatment. There is a quote which I will attempt to find and may take some time, it may not be on the web, and google ready in which. I think, the Secretary of State, told the President after those discussions that "He [Castro] won't last six months." And that is why they gave him the brush off. Batista was a US backed dictator, he had never been elected, he came to power in 1933 after the former US backed distator had become an embarrassment. In fact it was Batista who cancelled the Congressational election in 1952, and the US had no problem with this cancellation, in fact as late as 1957, the national Security Council reported that Cuban-American relations faced "no critical problems." So why would the US have been so concerned about elections in Cuba immediately after Castro came to power, in other words, elections don't seem to have mattered much before Castro came to power, so why would they have been a deal breaker all of a sudden??????? Castro wasn't the America government's handpicked guy, he came out of nowhere, and surprised Eisenhower and his administration, they thought they could easily get rid of him, because they greatly underestimated the anger of the Cuban population and they greatly underestimated his power and the size of his base. I'll get back to you on this, but the election cancellation cover story should be seriously questioned.