This week we celebrate a special birthday....

Monica Lewinsky turns 44. Can you believe it?

It seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House on her hands and knees,
putting everything in her mouth...

They grow up so fast, don't they ...
Er...she was born in July 1973.

So that would make her 36 and with a birthday which is not this week.

Apart from that...excellent work.
Geebus, only an android would look up the actual birth date to prove a sad joke about an adult woman crawling around on her hands and knees at the WH putting everything in her mouth...
Geebus, only an android would look up the actual birth date to prove a sad joke about an adult woman crawling around on her hands and knees at the WH putting everything in her mouth...

I found the "joke" on another web site and just highjacked it.,
Er...she was born in July 1973.

So that would make her 36 and with a birthday which is not this week.

Apart from that...excellent work.

The idiot savant from Arizona has excelled himself, how fucking hard is it to check basic facts? Now watch the turd try to wriggle out of it, fucking priceless.
Geebus, only an android would look up the actual birth date to prove a sad joke about an adult woman crawling around on her hands and knees at the WH putting everything in her mouth...

WTF, the prat can't even get simple information like birthdates right and you are defending him.
The idiot savant from Arizona has excelled himself, how fucking hard is it to check basic facts? Now watch the turd try to wriggle out of it, fucking priceless.

Let me take a guess and state that you occasionally don a bule dress and then work for your "pearl necklace"!!
Let me take a guess and state that you occasionally don a bule dress and then work for your "pearl necklace"!!

Evidently you never learnt that when you are in a hole you should stop digging. How unsurprising that you should resort to your usual homoerotic fantasies to cover up for the fact that are incredibly stupid and apparently incapable of researching basic information.
Evidently you never learnt that when you are in a hole you should stop digging. How unsurprising that you should resort to your usual homoerotic fantasies to cover up for the fact that are incredibly stupid and apparently incapable of researching basic information.

Since you failed to answer the question, I'll take that as a yes.
You don't mind if I call you Manica, from now on, do you??
It's a joke you maroon, the actual birth date doesn't really matter for the joke.

I am just amazed that you feel it necessary to intervene on the prick's behalf. The joke is irrelevant, it is about his total inability to get anything right.
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Geebus, only an android would look up the actual birth date to prove a sad joke about an adult woman crawling around on her hands and knees at the WH putting everything in her mouth...

Your partisan hackery is showing damo. Your grade of associates has dropped though.
I am just amazed that you feel it necessary to intervene on the prick's behalf. The joke is irrelevant, it is about his total inability to get anything right.

I see you're into the penis references, for the past few days.
From the apparent frustration level and the bitchiness, it's probably because you haven't been getting your daily allotment of 12 inches.

You're just going to have to put more effort into it.