Birther Update: What are they doing now?


Staff member
There are much fewer birthers than there were at the peak, but there are still some. As most of y'all could have figured out one of them is one of our local talk radio guys, and through him I get all the most recent "new" ideas from them.

Here is a current update on their activities....


And just a week or so ago:

And they love pointing out the Obama "official" photos (put out on the WH website or by the Campaign) that are clearly photoshopped...


And here is the trailer for the movie in the ad at the beginning...

What are birthers doing?

They're posting here on JPP, aren't they?
Joe Arpaio's birther bash was cancelled due to low ticket sales. :D

"After years and years of fact-checking and debunking, there’s finally something that could kill the birther movement: low ticket sales.

Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio and singer Pat Boone were scheduled to headline a “birther bash” later this month in Phoenix, but on Tuesday, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots canceled the event, ABC News reports, because of poor ticket sales. Tickets cost between $10 and $30, and the event was scheduled for a 2,650-seat theater."

I still can't see why people care if his mom made a bad choice when she was 17...

Because it shows the type of character his mother has. Liberals are willing to paint everyone who has white skin and from the south as racists, so why is it wrong to state the obvious about Obama's momma? She was pin-up girl.
Because it shows the type of character his mother has. Liberals are willing to paint everyone who has white skin and from the south as racists, so why is it wrong to state the obvious about Obama's momma? She was pin-up girl.

Scott Brown was a pin-up boy, what does that say about his character?
Methinks you missed Howie's point.

Um... No, I didn't. However, he seems to misunderstand the entire thread, basically I am reporting on what a different group are doing and saying, it has nothing to do with my personal beliefs. His ad hom clearly indicate an incapacity to separate how he "feels" about somebody as opposed to what they actually say.
Um... No, I didn't. However, he seems to misunderstand the entire thread, basically I am reporting on what a different group are doing and saying, it has nothing to do with my personal beliefs. His ad hom clearly indicate an incapacity to separate how he "feels" about somebody as opposed to what they actually say.

Actually, you're so obtuse it's hard to tell when you're being serious or not. You made the mistake early on of stating that you like to post stuff to get people's attention, so now you're lying with that dog.

Hence the ad hom. hth.
Actually, you're so obtuse it's hard to tell when you're being serious or not. You made the mistake early on of stating that you like to post stuff to get people's attention, so now you're lying with that dog.

Hence the ad hom. hth.

Whether I am serious or not, when I say "they" or "their", say I'm talking about some dude on the radio, etc., I am usually not meaning "me"... That should have been your first clue.
You can try to hide behind the thin veneer of a disinterested observer if you want, Damo, but we all see where you stand.
Latest update: Who is Harrison J. Bournel

Not kidding folks, just posting what they were talking about this morning. Apparently, according to them, some debt collector found Obama using an alias...

More at the link.

All the sources I found are about a year old, guess this didn't have an effect. Fox News didn't even carry the story, what does that tell you? Al the sites appear to be obscure blogs.

Yeah, your not a birther, you just keep posting every Obama conspiracy you can find!
There are much fewer birthers than there were at the peak, but there are still some. As most of y'all could have figured out one of them is one of our local talk radio guys, and through him I get all the most recent "new" ideas from them.

I wondered where you've been getting your "news".