Birthright Palestine


Would you support a program parallel to Birthright Israel for Palestinians, that allowed Palestinian refugees to travel to their ancestral homeland, and return to it if they so choose after their visit to support their people in the war that is being waged against them by the invaders from the sea?
Would you support a program parallel to Birthright Israel for Palestinians, that allowed Palestinian refugees to travel to their ancestral homeland, and return to it if they so choose after their visit to support their people in the war that is being waged against them by the invaders from the sea?

Would you support a program parallel to Birthright Israel for Palestinians, that allowed Palestinian refugees to travel to their ancestral homeland, and return to it if they so choose after their visit to support their people in the war that is being waged against them by the invaders from the sea?

sure they can visit jordan anytime, but does jordan want them?

Abbas Admits Palestinians and Jordanians are the SAME people

From Petra, the official Jordanian news agency:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Friday said that Jordanians and Palestinians are “one people living in two states”, appreciating His Majesty King Abdullah II, who spared no occasion to defend the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem before the world.

Jordanians, Palestinians, and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process

territory known eight decades ago as the British Mandate of Palestine, which later split into Palestine and Transjordan and emerged after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War as Israel and Jordan, now seems destined to add a third state, Palestine. But even if that happens, the Palestinians -- those Arabs tracing their roots to the west of the Jordan River -- will remain a significant minority in Israel (around 20 percent). And although some observers dispute the estimate, Palestinians may well form a majority in Jordan. The sorting out of territorial boundaries and national identities is a complex story, told here from the special perspective of Jordan. Abu-Odeh, a long-time political adviser to the late King Hussein, offers a positive but not uncritical account of the Hashemite policies. A Palestinian native of Nablus, he also elucidates an issue often overlooked: the tensions within Jordan between East-Bank Jordanians ("Transjordanians") and Palestinian-Jordanians.
sure they can visit jordan anytime, but does jordan want them?

Abbas Admits Palestinians and Jordanians are the SAME people

From Petra, the official Jordanian news agency:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Friday said that Jordanians and Palestinians are “one people living in two states”, appreciating His Majesty King Abdullah II, who spared no occasion to defend the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem before the world.

Jordanians, Palestinians, and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process

territory known eight decades ago as the British Mandate of Palestine, which later split into Palestine and Transjordan and emerged after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War as Israel and Jordan, now seems destined to add a third state, Palestine. But even if that happens, the Palestinians -- those Arabs tracing their roots to the west of the Jordan River -- will remain a significant minority in Israel (around 20 percent). And although some observers dispute the estimate, Palestinians may well form a majority in Jordan. The sorting out of territorial boundaries and national identities is a complex story, told here from the special perspective of Jordan. Abu-Odeh, a long-time political adviser to the late King Hussein, offers a positive but not uncritical account of the Hashemite policies. A Palestinian native of Nablus, he also elucidates an issue often overlooked: the tensions within Jordan between East-Bank Jordanians ("Transjordanians") and Palestinian-Jordanians.

Of course they are the same people.. Jordanians, Lebanese, Palestinians and Syrians are all related and intermarried.. They have cousins and extended family all over the Levant. Its always been that way.
Founding National Myths Fabricating Palestinian History

To claim that Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel not only goes against secular history and scientific knowledge, but it also flies in the face of Islamic religious history. Not only do the Islamic scriptures recognize the unique Jewish claims to the Land of Israel, but there is no reference whatsoever to any Palestinian people dwelling on any land called Filastin during any part of Islamic history until the twentieth century. The term Jund Filastin was used to describe a military district of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates and had no ethnic or national significance until the twentieth century.

The Qur'an declares that the Jews are the chosen people, exalted among the nations of the world.[14] It clearly declares the Jews (Bani Israil) as the only owners of the Land of Israel, which is al-Ard al-Muqaddasah; al-Ard al-Mubarakah; Ard Bani Israil (the sacred land; the blessed land; the land of the People of Israel), and they are not allowed to leave it, for otherwise they will be punished:[15] "It is the promise of God, and God does not go back on his promise."[16] The Qur'an goes on to acknowledge that the Jewish first and second kingdoms existed but states that they were punished by God.[17] Arab ownership of Palestine is also critically connected to exegesis on the Qur'anic description of Muhammad's Night Journey from Mecca to the "furthest mosque," which is juxtaposed with a verse on the destroyed Temple of the Israelites.[18] The existence of that temple, however, though it had been acknowledged by officials of the Islamic religious endowment authority (waqf ) in their publicity materials from the 1920s and 1950s,[19] was famously denied by Arafat in an exchange with U.S. president Bill Clinton.[20]
Founding National Myths Fabricating Palestinian History

To claim that Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel not only goes against secular history and scientific knowledge, but it also flies in the face of Islamic religious history. Not only do the Islamic scriptures recognize the unique Jewish claims to the Land of Israel, but there is no reference whatsoever to any Palestinian people dwelling on any land called Filastin during any part of Islamic history until the twentieth century. The term Jund Filastin was used to describe a military district of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates and had no ethnic or national significance until the twentieth century.

The Qur'an declares that the Jews are the chosen people, exalted among the nations of the world.[14] It clearly declares the Jews (Bani Israil) as the only owners of the Land of Israel, which is al-Ard al-Muqaddasah; al-Ard al-Mubarakah; Ard Bani Israil (the sacred land; the blessed land; the land of the People of Israel), and they are not allowed to leave it, for otherwise they will be punished:[15] "It is the promise of God, and God does not go back on his promise."[16] The Qur'an goes on to acknowledge that the Jewish first and second kingdoms existed but states that they were punished by God.[17] Arab ownership of Palestine is also critically connected to exegesis on the Qur'anic description of Muhammad's Night Journey from Mecca to the "furthest mosque," which is juxtaposed with a verse on the destroyed Temple of the Israelites.[18] The existence of that temple, however, though it had been acknowledged by officials of the Islamic religious endowment authority (waqf ) in their publicity materials from the 1920s and 1950s,[19] was famously denied by Arafat in an exchange with U.S. president Bill Clinton.[20]

The people of Palestine have been there forever. Some are Jewish farmers who converted to Christianity or Islam.. and they are intermarried with Greeks, Syrians, Turks, Crusaders. Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria circa 500 BC.. Plus, when Ezra wrote about the return from the Babylonian exile.. he said Arabs were in Jerusalem.

How do you feel about refugee populations, guno?

Falasteen means farmers or blessed of the land.

Its certain they didn't immigrant from Russia or Lithuania, or Poland or Germany.. They stayed... repairing the Roman terraces and aqueducts.. tending 500 year old olive trees.. shopkeepers, potters, farmers and shepherds.
sure they can visit jordan anytime, but does jordan want them?

Abbas Admits Palestinians and Jordanians are the SAME people

From Petra, the official Jordanian news agency:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Friday said that Jordanians and Palestinians are “one people living in two states”, appreciating His Majesty King Abdullah II, who spared no occasion to defend the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem before the world.

Jordanians, Palestinians, and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process

territory known eight decades ago as the British Mandate of Palestine, which later split into Palestine and Transjordan and emerged after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War as Israel and Jordan, now seems destined to add a third state, Palestine. But even if that happens, the Palestinians -- those Arabs tracing their roots to the west of the Jordan River -- will remain a significant minority in Israel (around 20 percent). And although some observers dispute the estimate, Palestinians may well form a majority in Jordan. The sorting out of territorial boundaries and national identities is a complex story, told here from the special perspective of Jordan. Abu-Odeh, a long-time political adviser to the late King Hussein, offers a positive but not uncritical account of the Hashemite policies. A Palestinian native of Nablus, he also elucidates an issue often overlooked: the tensions within Jordan between East-Bank Jordanians ("Transjordanians") and Palestinian-Jordanians.

Jordan has no responsibility to the Palestinians, they are illegal immigrants from Israel. During the carefully and long planned Palestinian Holocaust instigated by the Zionist entity, they dumped a lot of illegal immigrants over Jordans border, so that the majority of the population is now Israeli-Arab even though the country is still ruled by Jordananians. But eventually they should be returned to their homeland, the illegal immigrants must be expelled back to Israel.
Founding National Myths Fabricating Palestinian History

To claim that Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel not only goes against secular history and scientific knowledge, but it also flies in the face of Islamic religious history. Not only do the Islamic scriptures recognize the unique Jewish claims to the Land of Israel, but there is no reference whatsoever to any Palestinian people dwelling on any land called Filastin during any part of Islamic history until the twentieth century. The term Jund Filastin was used to describe a military district of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates and had no ethnic or national significance until the twentieth century.

The Qur'an declares that the Jews are the chosen people, exalted among the nations of the world.[14] It clearly declares the Jews (Bani Israil) as the only owners of the Land of Israel, which is al-Ard al-Muqaddasah; al-Ard al-Mubarakah; Ard Bani Israil (the sacred land; the blessed land; the land of the People of Israel), and they are not allowed to leave it, for otherwise they will be punished:[15] "It is the promise of God, and God does not go back on his promise."[16] The Qur'an goes on to acknowledge that the Jewish first and second kingdoms existed but states that they were punished by God.[17] Arab ownership of Palestine is also critically connected to exegesis on the Qur'anic description of Muhammad's Night Journey from Mecca to the "furthest mosque," which is juxtaposed with a verse on the destroyed Temple of the Israelites.[18] The existence of that temple, however, though it had been acknowledged by officials of the Islamic religious endowment authority (waqf ) in their publicity materials from the 1920s and 1950s,[19] was famously denied by Arafat in an exchange with U.S. president Bill Clinton.[20]

So your claiming the right to instigate a holocaust and genocide against the native inhabitants of Palestine because of some holy books?

The Zionist entity had long planned the Palestinian Holocaust. There is no way they could kill hundreds of thousands and move millions in months if it had not been carefully planned. As soon as they made their declaration of Palestinian genocide, they initially launched 13 simultaneous military campaigns to kill and expel as many Palestinians as possible. This would be impossible if it hadn't of been long planned. After the launching of these campaigns some Arab nations recongnized the state of war that had been declared on them by Israel and desperately attempted to respond to prevent the Palestinian holocaust and end the rampant murder of innocents by the evil Zionist invaders, but their poorly organized and recently independent states were no match for the much larger and better funded Zionist militias that had long been secretly arming themselves and planning the Palestinian holocaust over the previous decades, one of the greatest genocides of the 20th century along with the Jewish holocaust and Armenian holocaust.
The Palestinians were present when the invaders from the sea arrived, therefore they are native. End of story. It doesn't matter if they didn't call themselves what they do now hundreds of years ago, that's literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The Jews were not a unified people back then, did that give Hitler the right to instigate the Jewish Holocaust? Then why did the Zionists suddenly acquire a right to instigate the Palestinian holocaust?
Founding National Myths Fabricating Palestinian History

To claim that Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the Land of Israel not only goes against secular history and scientific knowledge, but it also flies in the face of Islamic religious history. Not only do the Islamic scriptures recognize the unique Jewish claims to the Land of Israel, but there is no reference whatsoever to any Palestinian people dwelling on any land called Filastin during any part of Islamic history until the twentieth century. The term Jund Filastin was used to describe a military district of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates and had no ethnic or national significance until the twentieth century.

The Qur'an declares that the Jews are the chosen people, exalted among the nations of the world.[14] It clearly declares the Jews (Bani Israil) as the only owners of the Land of Israel, which is al-Ard al-Muqaddasah; al-Ard al-Mubarakah; Ard Bani Israil (the sacred land; the blessed land; the land of the People of Israel), and they are not allowed to leave it, for otherwise they will be punished:[15] "It is the promise of God, and God does not go back on his promise."[16] The Qur'an goes on to acknowledge that the Jewish first and second kingdoms existed but states that they were punished by God.[17] Arab ownership of Palestine is also critically connected to exegesis on the Qur'anic description of Muhammad's Night Journey from Mecca to the "furthest mosque," which is juxtaposed with a verse on the destroyed Temple of the Israelites.[18] The existence of that temple, however, though it had been acknowledged by officials of the Islamic religious endowment authority (waqf ) in their publicity materials from the 1920s and 1950s,[19] was famously denied by Arafat in an exchange with U.S. president Bill Clinton.[20]

Good to see you finally climbing down from the fence.
sure they can visit jordan anytime, but does jordan want them?

Abbas Admits Palestinians and Jordanians are the SAME people

From Petra, the official Jordanian news agency:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Friday said that Jordanians and Palestinians are “one people living in two states”, appreciating His Majesty King Abdullah II, who spared no occasion to defend the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem before the world.

Jordanians, Palestinians, and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process

territory known eight decades ago as the British Mandate of Palestine, which later split into Palestine and Transjordan and emerged after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War as Israel and Jordan, now seems destined to add a third state, Palestine. But even if that happens, the Palestinians -- those Arabs tracing their roots to the west of the Jordan River -- will remain a significant minority in Israel (around 20 percent). And although some observers dispute the estimate, Palestinians may well form a majority in Jordan. The sorting out of territorial boundaries and national identities is a complex story, told here from the special perspective of Jordan. Abu-Odeh, a long-time political adviser to the late King Hussein, offers a positive but not uncritical account of the Hashemite policies. A Palestinian native of Nablus, he also elucidates an issue often overlooked: the tensions within Jordan between East-Bank Jordanians ("Transjordanians") and Palestinian-Jordanians.

Black September is proof enough that the Hashemites loathed the PLO and were right to kick them out.
Jordan has no responsibility to the Palestinians, they are illegal immigrants from Israel. During the carefully and long planned Palestinian Holocaust instigated by the Zionist entity, they dumped a lot of illegal immigrants over Jordans border, so that the majority of the population is now Israeli-Arab even though the country is still ruled by Jordananians. But eventually they should be returned to their homeland, the illegal immigrants must be expelled back to Israel.

The Israelis are taking their time to complete the alleged Holocaust, especially considering that the Palestinian population has tripled since the 60s!!
Black September is proof enough that the Hashemites loathed the PLO and were right to kick them out.

The Hashemites are cucks who were always in the zionists pockets. The Palestinian illegal immigrants are treated like subhumans and have few to no civil rights. The only way they can be freed is to return them to their homeland.
The Hashemites are cucks who were always in the zionists pockets. The Palestinian illegal immigrants are treated like subhumans and have few to no civil rights. The only way they can be freed is to return them to their homeland.

The Jordanians up to 1967 treated the Palestinians a lot worse, they never recognised their right to an independent state.
Would you support a program parallel to Birthright Israel for Palestinians, that allowed Palestinian refugees to travel to their ancestral homeland, and return to it if they so choose after their visit to support their people in the war that is being waged against them by the invaders from the sea?

No, I don't support Muslims.