Birthright Palestine

From the river to the sea

The Jordanians up to 1967 treated the Palestinians a lot worse, they never recognised their right to an independent state.

The Hashemites are cucks

They actually had a fucking alliance with Israel in the 1947 war cus they were thirsty af for the West Bank

Of course Israeli broke the alliance and attacked them anyway to try and take Jerusalem, that's why there's that weird stretch into the West Bank going into Jerusalem. The Christian and Muslim residents of the era were genocided completely.
So your claiming the right to instigate a holocaust and genocide against the native inhabitants of Palestine because of some holy books?

The Zionist entity had long planned the Palestinian Holocaust. There is no way they could kill hundreds of thousands and move millions in months if it had not been carefully planned. As soon as they made their declaration of Palestinian genocide, they initially launched 13 simultaneous military campaigns to kill and expel as many Palestinians as possible. This would be impossible if it hadn't of been long planned. After the launching of these campaigns some Arab nations recongnized the state of war that had been declared on them by Israel and desperately attempted to respond to prevent the Palestinian holocaust and end the rampant murder of innocents by the evil Zionist invaders, but their poorly organized and recently independent states were no match for the much larger and better funded Zionist militias that had long been secretly arming themselves and planning the Palestinian holocaust over the previous decades, one of the greatest genocides of the 20th century along with the Jewish holocaust and Armenian holocaust.
Right. Never again unless you're Palestinian.

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Black September is proof enough that the Hashemites loathed the PLO and were right to kick them out.
Jordan's demographic and that of Lebanon were forever changed by the flood of refugees forced out of Palestine in 1948 and 1967.

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