Bitch bitch bitch


Leftist Vermin
We all like to moan and complain about this place, yet here we are posting on it anyways. Thought I'd see if anyone wants to mention something that you *do* like about JPP. I'll go first!
One thing I like about JPP is finding out that I have things in common with ppl on the "other side." Some of you righty guys are pretty cool. Glad to have met you.
We all like to moan and complain about this place, yet here we are posting on it anyways.!

I don't "moan and complain about this place," Fuck Face, and you're only here because Amazon shut down the forum you formerly infested.

Since then you've done your utmost to turn JPP into a cesspit like the one you're a refugee from.
One thing I like about JPP is finding out that I have things in common with ppl on the "other side." Some of you righty guys are pretty cool. Glad to have met you.

Okay, before I erupt with laughter, what things in "common" do you think you have with Conservatives?
I don't "moan and complain about this place," Fuck Face, and you're only here because Amazon shut down the forum you formerly infested.

Since then you've done your utmost to turn JPP into a cesspit like the one you're a refugee from.

Sounds like the same thing they want to do with the country. ;)
Another thing I like about JPP is the ignore feature. So useful!

Today, 12:23 PM
Truth Detector

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Today, 12:23 PM
Truth Detector

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We all like to moan and complain about this place, yet here we are posting on it anyways. Thought I'd see if anyone wants to mention something that you *do* like about JPP. I'll go first!
I enjoy reading the insights of by friends and buddies.

There is small coterie of posters here who can engage substantively on a range of topics; history, politics, philosophy, science, religion. That is pretty bloody fun.

I have ample amounts of self-control and discipline and can easily bypass, avoid, scroll past, and ignore the copious amounts of tepid trolls, belligerent bigots, the illiterate, and the mind-numbingly boring. The only thing that is a little creepy are the dunces I have basically never read or engage with but are nonetheless extremely interested in reading my posts and writing to me. I had no idea my writing was so consistently interesting to people who I do not know, do not talk to, and don’t interact with!
I enjoy reading the insights of by friends and buddies.

There is small coterie of posters here who can engage substantively on a range of topics; history, politics, philosophy, science, religion. That is pretty bloody fun.

I have ample amounts of self-control and discipline and can easily bypass, avoid, scroll past, and ignore the copious amounts of tepid trolls, belligerent bigots, the illiterate, and the mind-numbingly boring. The only thing that is a little creepy are the dunces I have basically never read or engage with but are nonetheless extremely interested in reading my posts and writing to me. I had no idea my writing was so consistently interesting to people who I do not know, do not talk to, and don’t interact with!

We certainly had a good demonstration of that here. lol The ones who feel compelled to read your posts and put "groans" on them are funny too. It's not a comment on your writing or opinion, as much as it is a cry of "Hey, look at me! Please!" lol

Jade's threads are good examples of how Left and Right ppl can get along over a common topic, whether it's food, gardening, music, cartoons/jokes.
I love the friends I’ve made here, it’s the reason I find it hard to leave here. It also gives me an outlet to talk about politics and say things I won’t say to to friends and family. It lets me vent.

I also have learned many things from this forum and changed my views on a couple of things.
I like,the great insult lines,people dream up!
I remember day one,someone using "cum gargler".I thought WTF we got here!
I often don't agree with the Mods,but here you can talk to them,or PM them.
Sometimes I feel for the old timers who had to put up with the Amazon invasion!
We all like to moan and complain about this place, yet here we are posting on it anyways. Thought I'd see if anyone wants to mention something that you *do* like about JPP. I'll go first!

It's quirky, and there are some good posters, even on the right.
I like the free speech aspect. I've never been insulted so many times by people I've never met. It's pretty funny.