Bitch bitch bitch


That's actually one of the rituals of Catholicism I miss. "Peace be with you", and the response, "and also with you". There's something very comforting in that.

i heard that they literally changed what you say in response to peace be with you. that is so bullshit. "and also with you" effortlessly flows off the tongue.

lol check it

i am not so much a "recovering catholic" as much as "not catholic" .. at least not anymore. I don't know how it works. I was baptized but was never confirmed. so who knows lol.
i am not so much a "recovering catholic" as much as "not catholic" .. at least not anymore. I don't know how it works. I was baptized but was never confirmed. so who knows lol.

I think you could still partake in Eucharist if you wanted. It's not like they card you or something. lol
i am not so much a "recovering catholic" as much as "not catholic" .. at least not anymore. I don't know how it works. I was baptized but was never confirmed. so who knows lol.

My Grand father got a divorce,so the Catholic Church said he couldn't take communion.
But after a large donation to the OLPH building fund,they changed their tune!
Really? Just one day, out of the blue?

They would send you an email saying that a post of yours was removed for being "spiteful" first, but in the last year there was no warning at all. Just *boom* and ppl were vanishing right and left. Even ppl who seldom posted -- and who were never nasty -- got zapped. There was no way to PM or otherwise communicate with mods like here. Just a big impersonal corporation type deal.
They would send you an email saying that a post of yours was removed for being "spiteful" first, but in the last year there was no warning at all. Just *boom* and ppl were vanishing right and left. Even ppl who seldom posted -- and who were never nasty -- got zapped. There was no way to PM or otherwise communicate with mods like here. Just a big impersonal corporation type deal.
Omg! Permanent bans?
Really? Just one day, out of the blue?

Yeah,it was called the purge.
Longtime users were targeted.
It set off the start of sock armies.
I had,had two accounts for years,one for my BFF on the movie forum.
One on the political forum.After my political forum account was banned,a certain poster,showed me how to build a sock army,I built as big a one as I could.Constant accounts banned,in five minutes another took it's place.
It was very nice. Are you a recovering Catholic as well? ;~)

Yup, born and raised. Infant baptism, first Holy Communion, Confirmation, 8 years of CCD classes. Parents gave us the option to go to Catholic school, I chose public school, hence the 8 years of CCD.