Bitch bitch bitch

Yeah,it was called the purge.
Longtime users were targeted.
It set off the start of sock armies.
I had,had two accounts for years,one for my BFF on the movie forum.
One on the political forum.After my political forum account was banned,a certain poster,showed me how to build a sock army,I built as big a one as I could.Constant accounts banned,in five minutes another took it's place.

Yeah, there were the mysterious purges when dozens would vanish to the Gulags. Then there were the Reporters who loved to nark ppl out and get them removed. Oddly even though a removed acct. couldn't post any more, it could still tattletale, and did.
Yeah, there were the mysterious purges when dozens would vanish to the Gulags. Then there were the Reporters who loved to nark ppl out and get them removed. Oddly even though a removed acct. couldn't post any more, it could still tattletale, and did.

Who was the worst offender of mass reporting?
Yup, born and raised. Infant baptism, first Holy Communion, Confirmation, 8 years of CCD classes. Parents gave us the option to go to Catholic school, I chose public school, hence the 8 years of CCD.

My kids went to public schools too; they had PSR (Parish School of Religion) once/week for the indoctrin... er, education part. Is that what CCD is? What turned you off to them eventually?
Yeah, there were the mysterious purges when dozens would vanish to the Gulags. Then there were the Reporters who loved to nark ppl out and get them removed. Oddly even though a removed acct. couldn't post any more, it could still tattletale, and did.

I noticed the late Saturday,Early Sunday,moderator did most the purging.
CCD fucking sucked

I still remember the absolute joy those nights when I finally got out of class.
I like the free speech aspect here. Being able to say "fuck" and other words is freeing. :awesome: :speaknoevil:
I also like meeting new people and reading new points of view. There are old friends and new friends here.
I like the way the site is laid out and I do like that ignore feature. LOL!
Yeah,it was called the purge.
Longtime users were targeted.
It set off the start of sock armies.
I had,had two accounts for years,one for my BFF on the movie forum.
One on the political forum.After my political forum account was banned,a certain poster,showed me how to build a sock army,I built as big a one as I could.Constant accounts banned,in five minutes another took it's place.
How many years were the Amazon forums in operation before their demise?
My Grand father got a divorce,so the Catholic Church said he couldn't take communion.
But after a large donation to the OLPH building fund,they changed their tune!

That is bogus rulings from that church, but some places just aren't to snuff. In the end I follow Christ, and if the Church you attend strays in any sense it's best to leave. I quit going to Church, as I never liked experiencing anything through the secondhand guise of others.
My kids went to public schools too; they had PSR (Parish School of Religion) once/week for the indoctrin... er, education part. Is that what CCD is? What turned you off to them eventually?

My wife and I were both raised Catholic, and we still went to Mass sometimes, then we drifted away from religion altogether for a time. Then I started listening to a radio program called The Bible Answer Man, and I got interested in the Bible again. And, as I started reading the Bible, I started to figure out that some of what the Catholic Church was teaching, wasn't really Biblical. I've been a Protestant ever since.

From Wikipedia:
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine is an association established in Rome in 1562 for the purpose of giving religious education. Its modern usage is a religious education program of the Roman Catholic Church, normally designed for children. In some parishes, CCD is called PSR, meaning Parish School of Religion. Wikipedia
What is CCD?

At least, according to Wikipedia. Evidently, that's what our parish called PSR, must've been old school, lol.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine is an association established in Rome in 1562 for the purpose of giving religious education. Its modern usage is a religious education program of the Roman Catholic Church, normally designed for children. In some parishes, CCD is called PSR, meaning Parish School of Religion. Wikipedia
My wife and I were both raised Catholic, and we still went to Mass sometimes, then we drifted away from religion altogether for a time. Then I started listening to a radio program called The Bible Answer Man, and I got interested in the Bible again. And, as I started reading the Bible, I started to figure out that some of what the Catholic Church was teaching, wasn't really Biblical. I've been a Protestant ever since.

I once had a Catholic Priest,say they didn't follow the Holy Spirit,that was the Eastern Orthodox thing!