Bitch bitch bitch

He'd have to have made his First Holy Communion in order to partake, not that he'd want to partake!


Are you sure you want to go there? :D
I am here for the "belly laughs"....a good laugh is good for the soul. I enjoy laughing at those who actually assume that someone gives a rats ass about what they like or don't like......the accolade seekers, constantly fishing for the proverbial pat on the back.
I am here for the "belly laughs"....a good laugh is good for the soul. I enjoy laughing at those who actually assume that someone gives a rats ass about what they like or don't like......the accolade seekers, constantly fishing for the proverbial pat on the back.

I find you amusing as well. :laugh:
We certainly had a good demonstration of that here. lol The ones who feel compelled to read your posts and put "groans" on them are funny too. It's not a comment on your writing or opinion, as much as it is a cry of "Hey, look at me! Please!" lol

Jade's threads are good examples of how Left and Right ppl can get along over a common topic, whether it's food, gardening, music, cartoons/jokes.
I love when I can get Earl, who is also Havana, to groan my posts. It takes a special kind of lonely to scour the board looking for negative attention.
I love the friends I’ve made here, it’s the reason I find it hard to leave here. It also gives me an outlet to talk about politics and say things I won’t say to to friends and family. It lets me vent.

I also have learned many things from this forum and changed my views on a couple of things.
Fact checking the fools here tends to teach us things that we might not have bothered to research otherwise. It's been that way for the decades that I've been on message boards.