Bitch bitch bitch

I fact check 90% of the stuff RWs post here.'s a labor of love then. Once you've proven them wrong, they continue to post lies and fabrications. I think a lot of them do it because a random Google search might bring an unsuspecting victim to their fantasies and delusions?

Either way, I usually laugh at the thread titles that have absolutely nothing to do with the text of the articles (which they didn't read) that they offer as proof.
I love when I can get Earl, who is also Havana, to groan my posts. It takes a special kind of lonely to scour the board looking for negative attention.

I am not going to accept this at face value, but you know what is really weird?
I told that dude that he was crossing the line into obsession for reading everything I write, and because about 95 percent of my groan notifications come from him and him alone.

All of a sudden, I start getting lots of groans from Earl.
I love when I can get Earl, who is also Havana, to groan my posts. It takes a special kind of lonely to scour the board looking for negative attention.

You're such a dopey cunt, I have never had a sock, glove puppet or alt ID ever apart from when playing Werewolf. Are you truly so fucking desperate?
I am not going to accept this at face value, but you know what is really weird?
I told that dude that he was crossing the line into obsession for reading everything I write, and because about 95 percent of my groan notifications come from him and him alone.

All of a sudden, I start getting lots of groans from Earl.

It is like being back in Church, except that where decent people say 'Amen', Earl groans. Lacks the gift of speech, I'd guess.
I am not going to accept this at face value, but you know what is really weird?
I told that dude that he was crossing the line into obsession for reading everything I write, and because about 95 percent of my groan notifications come from him and him alone.

All of a sudden, I start getting lots of groans from Earl.

You're an obnoxious cunt and I don't give a shit what you are going accept. You were hounded off the board and slithered back, kindly slither away again.
Yurt got some friends though. He seems the rare type that annoys people across the aisles. He reminds me of Paro, and seems just as spastic.

And I haven't even posted in this thread and Jaded is already obsessively insulting me.

What a psychopath.
I don't understand,his reactions to you?

She is a lying bitch. She constantly trolls my threads, even chill threads in the off topic forum. Yet she Whines when people supposedly do this to her.

Why the hell did she even need to make this thread about me? I hadn't even posted in it.

Figure it out....
He never got over being threadbanned on the recipe thread for fighting with Domer.

Another lie from you psychos. I made a thread reaching out to her and saying let the past be the past and she shat on it.

Now you freaks have made another thread about me.

I own your heads, not rent, own outright.
What board are folks going to next after JPP is sued and the FBI steps in and shuts this place down?
I find you amusing as well. :laugh:

That's nuff of a reason no? Its good for the soul. But I often find that the "smeller is the fella". ;) Now who was the accolade seeker that started this thread (farted and attempted to cover it up by blaming it on the DOG) compared to "ALL" the threads that I have started (cough, cough) -0-. :dunno: Deductive logic (prima facie truth) can also be humorous also...right...err...left, I already dun said also before? Time for me to run'd offt.
I love when I can get Earl, who is also Havana, to groan my posts. It takes a special kind of lonely to scour the board looking for negative attention.

I thought the same thing about Earl. A little too obvious, going after the exact same people, and groaning posts.
I fact check 90% of the stuff RWs post here.

Some posters you don't need to bother checking anything they post. Like Volsrock, Legion, TDAK, Bobb, and ILA. Also if they throw down certain sites, you can just laugh. Havana is classic with that. How someone can get so pissy you won't debate fundie blogs, is beyond me. I think I'd be more likely to debate a blog about the Chupacabra.
Another lie from you psychos. I made a thread reaching out to her and saying let the past be the past and she shat on it.
Now you freaks have made another thread about me.
I own your heads, not rent, own outright.

She who? We have no idea who/what you are nattering on about. What makes you think this thread is about you? Uh oh. You got some bad weed again, didn't you?