Bitch bitch bitch

Tell ya what, Yurtsie. If I get into the gummies tonight, I promise to come back and answer. 'Cause that's what it's gonna take. lol
One thing I like about JPP is finding out that I have things in common with ppl on the "other side." Some of you righty guys are pretty cool. Glad to have met you.

I have to admit that I am one of the coolest guys on the planet. Y'all are so lucky to have me grace you with my presence.
More about Yurt. Tell Jaded I don't like her and to stop obsessing over me. And for Pete sakes, stop trying to make every thread about me.

She views me as this super villain and she is scared to death of me, I almost feel sorry for her, especially since I tried to be chill with her.

Poor Yurt:palm:
Poor Yurt:palm:

Did Owl not hug you and give you affirmation today?

Defend Jaded bringing me up and you guys all start on on me.... Come on bug boy.... You guys start bitching about me and then it is me against the three HEATHERS.


Oh for fuck sake. Bring up Yurt made some friends among the Amazonians, and mention I tried, but he made it impossible, and he goes on tour displaying what I meant. Maybe he should look at that as advice on making friends. He has no gripe, since there wasn't a day gone by he wasn't bitching about me. I mention him when the subject calls for it. He on the other hand made more discussions about me, you, and Mason, then I have made off topic discussions about recipes, etc. He tails me every time I give the racist trolls crap here, and complains. It seemed messed up, but made sense when he told that sick, and retarded racist joke.

Didn't think you would be honest about what happened here. Anything to defend your cohorts, anything.

What a strong person you are to be cow towed by two other posters. They don't care about you Mason, they are using you. Get out of the group HEATHERS and think for yourself.

Think about it, why are you bitching about me responding to Jadeds insults about me and trying to make this thread about me? How many posts have you guys made about me in this thread? Dozens.

But according to you guys, I'm the one obsessed and the spazz. I believe you can do better Mason.
Oh for fuck sake. Bring up Yurt made some friends among the Amazonians, and mention I tried, but he made it impossible, and he goes on tour displaying what I meant. Maybe he should look at that as advice on making friends. He has no gripe, since there wasn't a day gone by he wasn't bitching about me. I mention him when the subject calls for it. He on the other hand made more discussions about me, you, and Mason, then I have made off topic discussions about recipes, etc. He tails me every time I give the racist trolls crap here, and complains. It seemed messed up, but made sense when he told that sick, and retarded racist joke.

Everything, and I mean everything, you just posted is a lie.

Why did you start shit about me in this thread? Because you're trying to be friends? You have made more posts about me than any other person.

You even make posts about me and then ban me from them.

I offered you the hand of friendship and you continued to insult me. Heck, I even offered it more than once, and each and every time you shat on it and then blamed me.

You literally complain about people doing exactly what you're doing. Do you know what that is called?
Didn't think you would be honest about what happened here. Anything to defend your cohorts, anything.

What a strong person you are to be cow towed by two other posters. They don't care about you Mason, they are using you. Get out of the group HEATHERS and think for yourself.

Think about it, why are you bitching about me responding to Jadeds insults about me and trying to make this thread about me? How many posts have you guys made about me in this thread? Dozens.

But according to you guys, I'm the one obsessed and the spazz. I believe you can do better Mason.

Alert!Alert!Spaz Alert!
Everything, and I mean everything, you just posted is a lie.

Why did you start shit about me in this thread? Because you're trying to be friends? You have made more posts about me than any other person.

You even make posts about me and then ban me from them.

I offered you the hand of friendship and you continued to insult me. Heck, I even offered it more than once, and each and every time you shat on it and then blamed me.

You literally complain about people doing exactly what you're doing. Do you know what that is called?

Everything, and I mean everything, you just posted is a lie.

Why did you start shit about me in this thread? Because you're trying to be friends? You have made more posts about me than any other person.

You even make posts about me and then ban me from them.

I offered you the hand of friendship and you continued to insult me. Heck, I even offered it more than once, and each and every time you shat on it and then blamed me.

You literally complain about people doing exactly what you're doing. Do you know what that is called?

I also offered to "bury the hatchet," he basically said piss off. He's a hypocrite in the highest conformity. He banned me from that recipe thread from the start. So I say, piss on him as well.
I also offered to "bury the hatchet," he basically said piss off. He's a hypocrite in the highest conformity. He banned me from that recipe thread from the start. So I say, piss on him as well.

A Trump supporter to the end!
Into the piss party games!
A Trump supporter to the end!
Into the piss party games!

Amazingly I never saw a damn word of this bury the hatchet talk. I've had him on ignore almost as long as I've been here, so how could I? I only saw this because you quoted it. In the recipe discussion, I banned Top, and the other Amazonians I didn't trust to play nice, with those that peruse my discussions regularly. Grumpy seems to have mellowed enough, but RB is still doing what he was on ignore for. The out of left field, smack talk.
Amazingly I never saw a damn word of this bury the hatchet talk. I've had him on ignore almost as long as I've been here, so how could I? I only saw this because you quoted it. In the recipe discussion, I banned Top, and the other Amazonians I didn't trust to play nice, with those that peruse my discussions regularly. Grumpy seems to have mellowed enough, but RB is still doing what he was on ignore for. The out of left field, smack talk.

You're a fucking liar. I always responded respectfully in non political threads. Care to recall music topics? Past food threads? I guess not, hypocrite.