Bitch bitch bitch

CCD fucking sucked

I still remember the absolute joy those nights when I finally got out of class.

We attended CCD on Saturday mornings for an hour and a half, with summers off. I think it was 9-10:30.

I have fond memories of it. A lot of my friends from public school attended, and we had a grand old time. Plus, our parish was big on holiday festivals, so, good times. Then there were the potluck dinners. I enjoyed growing up Catholic.
We certainly had a good demonstration of that here. lol The ones who feel compelled to read your posts and put "groans" on them are funny too. It's not a comment on your writing or opinion, as much as it is a cry of "Hey, look at me! Please!" lol

Jade's threads are good examples of how Left and Right ppl can get along over a common topic, whether it's food, gardening, music, cartoons/jokes.

Jade is a good contributor. I can find zero fault - none, nada, zilch - with someone who posts recipe threads, music threads, vacation threads.

With all the sociopaths and INCEL losers flocking to message boards like flies attracted to pig shit, it is threads like Jade's that remind me there are posters capable of appropriate decorum and social ettiqutte.

And that is exactly why I enjoy reading the contributions of all my friends here. Quality over quantity is my philosophy.
My other philosophy is to avoid socially inept losers, resentful dunces, and barely educated the plague!
Jade is a good contributor. I can find zero fault - none, nada, zilch - with someone who posts recipe threads, music threads, vacation threads.

With all the sociopaths and INCEL losers flocking to message boards like flies attracted to pig shit, it is threads like Jade's that remind me there are posters capable of appropriate decorum and social ettiqutte.

And that is exactly why I enjoy reading the contributions of all my friends here. Quality over quantity is my philosophy.
My other philosophy is to avoid socially inept losers, resentful dunces, and barely educated the plague!

Jade's alright in my book, I give him a hard time, and vice versa, but nothing personal and I hold no animus toward's him. YOU, on the other hand......:D
My kids went to public schools too; they had PSR (Parish School of Religion) once/week for the indoctrin... er, education part. Is that what CCD is? What turned you off to them eventually?

I just remembered something, when we were kids, we called CCD, "catechism".
We attended CCD on Saturday mornings for an hour and a half, with summers off. I think it was 9-10:30.

I have fond memories of it. A lot of my friends from public school attended, and we had a grand old time. Plus, our parish was big on holiday festivals, so, good times. Then there were the potluck dinners. I enjoyed growing up Catholic.

i never understood how someone could have fun at that stuff. I was always bored out of my mind.

also interesting to note that I lived on both the east and west coasts as a kid and they called it CCD on both coasts.
A good thing about JPP:

It's an adequate place to waste time on the internet.

Time that could be better spent doing things that are actually productive and beneficial.
i never understood how someone could have fun at that stuff. I was always bored out of my mind.

also interesting to note that I lived on both the east and west coasts as a kid and they called it CCD on both coasts.

I was always bored with the stuff as well, that's what Game Boys were for. Even though I'm a devout follower of Christ these days, I never go to church. I guarantee I'd fall asleep, and make it sound like the gates of Hell opened. Heck, lately I fall asleep surfing the internet.

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A good thing about JPP:

It's an adequate place to waste time on the internet.

Time that could be better spent doing things that are actually productive and beneficial.

I wouldn't add the last sentence, when you are currently in that boat, not doing those more productive things. I know I'm here because I don't really have many productive things to do. Well, besides exercise, or a few chores. That's do stuff, and then crash, and waste time though.
I just remembered something, when we were kids, we called CCD, "catechism".

We had to go to that too, as Lutherans. Catholics do First Communion when the kids are 7-8 yrs old. Lutherans (at least our flavor) waited till you were around the same age as bas/bar mitzvah -- early teens. We had to go to catechism class for a year first. On Saturday mornings for two hours. So there went your WHOLE WEEKEND. lol
A good thing about JPP:

It's an adequate place to waste time on the internet.

Time that could be better spent doing things that are actually productive and beneficial.

Hmm, I dunno. You can also waste a lot of time on funny cat and funny parrot and funny baby videos. Or best of all, funny baby AND cat videos! lol

This is an excellent topic. I've never really looked at how many other political boards like this exist on the web but I'd have to guess there are plenty. People have come and gone from JPP over time for any number of reasons but what is it that makes so many of us come back and have continual discussions with folks we don't like? Of course going to a new board means starting over where you don't have "relationships" with other posters like we've developed here.