Bizarro Thread


on indefiniate mod break
Up is down, right is left, good is bad. This is the bizarro thread.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Grind, I often feel that I have a deep connection and responsability to the rest of society. The wealth I earn should be shared with everyone to make sure that everyone has the same opportunities that I am simply LUCKY to have. Nothing gets me more angry than when the government fails to step in and help those in need, and no one gets me more peeved than those that think government is ineffective. Love it or like it, government is a vital part of our existence, and we are lucky to have it.

Drugs, prostitution and other so called 'victimless crimes' (yeah right) shouldn't be legalized because it's wrong, and people shouldn't make their own decisions. I think it's our obligation to those that aren't as smart as the rest of us to make sure that the oppressed dont' continue to screw up their lives.

We also need to fully submit to the united nations. There are many culturally unique countries in this world (they are just as good as us, in fact... better), but they still need our assistence. Why should our country possess such a large portion of the world's wealth while we continue exploiting the poor african farmers and goat herders? I therefore support a global tax so that other culturally distict nations can have a shot at a brighter tomorrow. We also need to listen to what ALL nations say, even if they are dictatorships, because what REALLY makes america great is our ability to listen and to know that we must not assert ourselves so aggressively... it's much better to be the weak and pittied nation than the strong and hated.

This is how I feel,

I am Bizarro Grind.
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LOL. People are going to be totally not confused by the whole backasswards totally upfront of this thread.
I am Bizarro Damocles...

Things I believe:

1. The Government is there to protect you from yourself.
2. The Government should insure that everything bad for you eventually becomes illegal.
3. Undeclared War is the tops! Every President should have one, maybe even two at a time!
4. The US should spend all its time fixing every other nation.
5. The UN is the most effective means of creating peace and is so totally uncorrupt that it has nearly reached perfection.
6. We should all be embarrassed of our success and give our money to the government to give to the needy. We can't trust ourselves to pick the right charities, or to even care enough. Only the government can care enough and it just isn't true that it overspends.
7. The best thing for the US would be if the Government just took over paying for all healthcare, it wouldn't even have to be an increase in taxing...

I am Damocles and I hate this thread.
I believe that the government should be there to keep the barbarians from the doors. If it does that, it's pretty good.

If they do the basic well, which currently is NOT describing the governments of the USA; federal, state, or local; then perhaps they can work on other things that have to do with the common welfare. This of course, common welfare, is referring to such as interstate projects. Certainly NOT welfare or anything smacking of redistribution of income.
Damn Holyrollers! We should move them all to an Island!! I was out all last night sucking tongues with a couple of strangers in a bathroom stall at this greesy nightclub .. and while we were lockjawed ... I slipped my hand into this one guys pocket and stole his blackberry! !!

Anyways ... saw a couple of crazy holyrollers picketing out in front of a movie theater last night ... I cant stand these people ...

Do you all love me?

Aint I the stud of the studs?

I wonder .. who has the biggest bulge? My guess is Adam ... but then again ...he is Jewish .. Im not so sure about that ... I know its not some holyroller ... lol! j/k

I had a wet dream about Jarod last night ... does anyone else here have wet dreams about Jarod? lol

Care , if you are reading this ... my hanging plant is dying you thnk I should water more than once every couple of weeks ?
now that was pretty funny klaatu! lol!!!!!

can't wait to see rob's respond!

who knows, maybe there will be a kiss and make up session somewhere down the road?
Hmmm, opposite thread eh?......

Ok, I am a democrat, I post here on this board because I don't think I am always right, and like to hear possible other views, if your opposing view makes me upset I will post a rebuttal of something very well thought out, and meaningful, And I really hate to be patronized by my fellow dems!
Hello, I am Bizarro Dixie....

First and foremost, let me say, I am here to be liked and make friends and I genuinely care what each of you think of me! I am especially fond of people who have read a lot of socialist literature, and feel enlightened by what they learned, enough to set the rest of the world straight. These people should be respected as the smartest of the elite, and followed as if they were gods.

I believe we should completely segregated society, the more we can group people and divide them by class, the better... this allows us to award special benefits to various minority groupings, depending on who the cultural elite deem in need of benevolence at the moment. I choose to leave such details up to them, as they are profoundly more wise than myself. The cultural elite will also determine which social issues we are ready to handle, it is merely our duty to be the sheep. I believe in a Socialist Utopia... Funding should come from anything Capitalist, because Capitalism is our Enemy!

On foreign policy, I prefer to keep my head in the sand and pretend there is nothing outside of my own little fantasy world. America is my Neverland, and I simply don't comprehend a different reality. All of these people... Osama, Saddam, Abu Zarqawi, Abracadabrajihad... They are all made up people! YES! It's a conspiracy by George W. Bush and the PNAC Neocon Skull and Boners to fool us ALL!

I am a devout Atheist, I can't imagine why people would ever believe in a greater force than themselves. Religion is just a fad, an imagined security blanket for the insecure, a pacifier mankind has not broken itself from in all its history. The notion that something must have originally created life, is just absurd.
Ok, my name is Care4all

And I am the meanest SOB that ever existed in our history.

I hate all posters.

I love the administration.

I love sending our children to war.

I love having enemies.

I hate those in need because they are lazy and stupid and drag me down.

I love our govenment because of what they can do for ME, ME, ME!

I LOVE DECEIVERS and darkness so much that I am willing to die for it.

I hate sunshine or anything that sheds light on the truth...

I hate our constitution and think it is a useless piece of crap to just walk on...

I hate terrorists so much that I think we should torture and kill them all.

But if we don't kill them, I think they should be locked up forever, without EVER being given a trial.

I think that we should drop the bomb on the middle east to get rid of all of those islamofascists because they are coming to get me over here.

I think our government should censor our media during times of war so that we don't have to hear the bad....and even arrest the journalists for receiving any pertinent and classified information.

I also believe that the administration should be allowed to put fake news stories in the media without us knowing it is coming from our government via people like Armstrong.

I believe that our congressment like Duke Cunningham should never had been charged with a crime because deals are necessary for us to get the best product.

there's more, but I am getting tired...

thank you for listening:D

" Dixie's Pinhead Quote of the Moment:
"God" may be capitlalized, because that is a reference to a person.
Watermark displays profound ignorance of religious belief as well as grammar. "

You're an idiot. The only reason 'God' is capitalized is because you're referencing a single individual, a name. It's like Anthony O'Neal. To capitalize "He" when in reference to God is simply bad grammar, and it annoys us non-holyrollers because it's simply so retarded.
The only reason 'God' is capitalized is because you're referencing a single individual

"God" is capitalized, as well as "He" and "His" when referencing "God" because it is a profoundly important and significant thing. "God" is not a person or an individual, "He" is not even a gender-specific pronoun, when referencing God.

I am sorry you apparently don't understand religion or grammar, but it is grammatically correct to capitalize God, and any other references pertaining to God.
The only reason 'God' is capitalized is because you're referencing a single individual

"God" is capitalized, as well as "He" and "His" when referencing "God" because it is a profoundly important and significant thing. "God" is not a person or an individual, "He" is not even a gender-specific pronoun, when referencing God.

I am sorry you apparently don't understand religion or grammar, but it is grammatically correct to capitalize God, and any other references pertaining to God.

And that is precisely what I was taught, in school when growing up....and I only went to public schools and schools on military bases....not any religious schools.

must be "something" from yesteryear...huh dixie? ;) Another thing bites the dust! oh no!