Black adopted daughter wants to be white. Wouldn't you too?

I feel so sorry for this girl. What a horrible thing this girl is going to have to endure her whole life. Every time she looks in the mirror she's going to be reminded that she's not white.

Attention! Attention! The troll trash above, he just wants attention. If you were such a sad misfit, with the social skills of an angry skunk, wouldn't you want some too?
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A majority of college educated Democrats think that gender has nothing to do with biology, so race should be the same, no?

Just tell the troll to eat shit, and ignore his needy ass. He's either an actual racist swine, or a troll that thinks acting that way is great for shits, and giggles. Either way, he's a dime a dozen prick, that was never worth the time.
I never ignore the evil that pervades the republican party

it has to be laid low

Well you should ignore trolls. There are quite a few that are just an online persona, and aren't arguing anything they believe in, they just want a rise out of people. Ask Owlwoman, about Katrina, Paro, and worst of all, Father Ben. You can tell sometimes by how blatant they are, and how they carry on the issue.
yes many are fly shit lickers

people who post to try and create pain in others

they imagine that pain dripping down their computor screens and they lick at it in a sick attempt to taste the pain they imagine they have created

but that pain is not real

its imagined

they are merely licking fly shit off their puty screens

I feel so sorry for this girl. What a horrible thing this girl is going to have to endure her whole life. Every time she looks in the mirror she's going to be reminded that she's not white.

If that's what you believe then obviously you must agree that white people in general and the white culture as a whole is horribly racist. Lots of black girls (and boys too) raised with parents of their same race have wished to be white. Why?

So is your solution to suggest that black fetuses should be aborted if the mother doesn't want to raise the child?

If I was asked by this mom to suggest something to help her child, I'd recommend that mom make friends with black women who have kids the same age, and privately let them know of the little girl's feelings. Having strong role models among women of color might help her feel proud of her own beauty and heritage.
why woud you claim she has to do that the rest of her life racist fuck

That racist bastard Mugabe and his evil wife Gucci Grace were deposed yesterday at long last, yet not a peep from you because only white people can be racist, right?

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