Black crime.


I wonder how many people here think that it's White people's fault. That Whites somehow drive them to commit crime. Well there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. And with there hardly being any White people around at all, how can their shithole countries be blamed on White people.

Also, blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. But they are responsible for around 38% of the crime that happens. And the worse the crime, the more likely it is that a black committed it. That isn't "racism." That is truth. And truth is hate to those who hate the truth. So, how much of a truth hater are you. Because here's another statistic for you. Between 2003-2008, there were 135,260 cases of black on White sexual assaults-rapes in the U.S. During the same time frame, the number of White on black sexual assaults-rapes was 0 to 10! So, who is worm enough to sling the "racist" accusation at me now. Who knows. The way most people are brainwashed, it might at least get you a Pavlovian response in your favor. Here are some graphs to take into consideration. Look at each closely. If you dare.

Die niggers Die.jpg

crime statistics 3.jpg

hate crimes 1.jpg

hate crimes 2.jpg

2007 Murders by race - age.jpg

And recently because of the actions of the hero Payton Gendron, that piece of shit black ass kisser Biden basically called "White supremacy" a disease in this country. What an asshole.
Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

Fact check: Misleading bar graph presents distorted interpretation of black and white murder rates

Shared on Facebook and Instagram, posts include a bar graph showing “murder of blacks and whites in the US, 2013” broken down by the races of the perpetrators. While the graph itself is accurate, the way it is presented is misleading.

these articles are 2 years old. The tip off that our resident sheet wearer is using "fake news" is in small print in the bottom right hand corner of his first pic, "dieniggerdie.jpg"

I swear, the pointy hood crowd is REALLY getting desperate and therefore pathetic in their propaganda. Must be breathing in too much fumes from those cross burnings. :rolleyes:
I wonder how many people here think that it's White people's fault. That Whites somehow drive them to commit crime. Well there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. And with there hardly being any White people around at all, how can their shithole countries be blamed on White people.

Also, blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. But they are responsible for around 38% of the crime that happens. And the worse the crime, the more likely it is that a black committed it. That isn't "racism." That is truth. And truth is hate to those who hate the truth. So, how much of a truth hater are you. Because here's another statistic for you. Between 2003-2008, there were 135,260 cases of black on White sexual assaults-rapes in the U.S. During the same time frame, the number of White on black sexual assaults-rapes was 0 to 10! So, who is worm enough to sling the "racist" accusation at me now. Who knows. The way most people are brainwashed, it might at least get you a Pavlovian response in your favor. Here are some graphs to take into consideration. Look at each closely. If you dare.

View attachment 22523

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View attachment 22527

And recently because of the actions of the hero Payton Gendron, that piece of shit black ass kisser Biden basically called "White supremacy" a disease in this country. What an asshole.

You need to wonder how much of a ignoramus you are without a fact to back up your smelly hide. You and your screwed up and twisted gutter and basement fact fee graphs amounts to the work of a fool and an ignoramus. Now consider facts versus your worthless and less than intellectually competent and trolling fiction. This is when it comes to reflecting on the true subhuman savages upon society and a viral atrocity upon humanity on Earth of your kind:

White supremacists behind majority of US domestic terror attacks in 2020

White supremacists and other rightwing extremists have been responsible for 67% of domestic terror attacks and plots so far this year, with at least half of that violence targeting protesters, according to a new analysis from a centrist thinktank.

The report found only a single deadly “far-left” attack in 2020, the shooting of Aaron Danielson, a rightwing activist, by a self-described “anti-fascist” during a protest in Portland this August. Experts on extremism said this was the first killing linked to an anti-fascist in the United States in 25 years.

Violent rightwing actors were responsible for 41 politically motivated attacks and plots this year, while “far-left” actors were responsible for 12, according to analysts at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), who have assembled a database of domestic terror attacks going back to 1994.

Michael Null (L) and William Null (R) at a rally to demand the reopening of businesses in Michigan, on 30 April 2020. The Nulls were charged for their alleged roles in the plot to kidnap the state governor.
Michigan terror plot: why rightwing extremists are thriving on Facebook
Read more
The new data stands in stark contrast to claims by Donald Trump and justice department officials, who have responded to massive protests against police violence and racism by arguing that leftwing violence is a major threat, and that anti-fascist, or “antifa”, activists should be designated as a domestic terror group.

Despite months of political unrest, a much smaller number of Americans have been killed in domestic terrorism incidents this year than in previous years, CSIS analysts found, in part because there has not yet been a politically motivated mass shooting."

Also be informed and reminded of what Americans of color contributed that made America and global humanity great throughout history:

List of African-American inventors and scientists

This list of African Americans inventors and scientists documents many of the African-Americans who have invented a multitude of items or made discoveries in the course of their lives. These have ranged from practical everyday devices to applications and scientific discoveries in diverse fields, including physics, biology, math, and medicine.

African-Americans have been the victims of oppression, discrimination and persecution throughout American history, with an impact on African-American innovation. A 2014 study by economist Lisa D. Cook linked violence towards African-Americans and lack of legal protections over the period 1870–1940 to lower innovation.[1] Despite this, many black innovators have been responsible for a large number of major inventions.

Among the earliest was George Washington Carver, whose reputation was based on his research into and promotion of alternative crops to cotton, which aided in nutrition for farm families. He wanted poor farmers to grow alternative crops both as a source of their own food and as a source of other products to improve their way of life. The most popular of his 44 practical bulletins for farmers contained 105 food recipes using peanuts.[2] He also developed and promoted about 100 products made from peanuts that were useful for the house and farm. He received numerous honors for his work, including the Spingarn Medal of the NAACP.

A later renowned scientist was Percy Lavon Julian, a research chemist and a pioneer in the chemical synthesis of medicinal drugs from plants. He was the first to synthesize the natural product physostigmine, and a pioneer in the industrial large-scale chemical synthesis of the human hormones, steroids, progesterone, and testosterone, from plant sterols such as stigmasterol and sitosterol. His work would lay the foundation for the steroid drug industry's production of cortisone, other corticosteroids, and birth control pills.[3]

A contemporary example of a modern-day inventor is Lonnie George Johnson, an engineer. Johnson invented the Super Soaker water gun, which was the top-selling toy in the United States from 1991 to 1992. In 1980 Johnson formed his own law firm and licensed the Super Soaker water gun to Larami Corporation. Two years later, the Super Soaker generated over $200 million in retail sales and became the best selling toy in America. Larami Corporation was eventually purchased by Hasbro, the second largest toy manufacturer in the world. Over the years, Super Soaker sales have totaled close to one billion dollars. Johnson reinvested a majority of his earnings from the Super Soaker into research and development for his energy technology companies – "It's who I am, it's what I do."[4] As of 2019, Johnson holds over 120 patents, with more pending, and is the author of several publications on spacecraft power systems.[5][6][7]"
Fuck you racist assholes

The world hates you and your fucking lies

Are you calling me the racist? And telling me to fuck off? Well I posted a number of things. Tell me anything I said that you don't think is true. Otherwise, it is you who is the racist asshole that needs to fuck off.
I wonder how many people here think that it's White people's fault. That Whites somehow drive them to commit crime. Well there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. And with there hardly being any White people around at all, how can their shithole countries be blamed on White people.

Also, blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. But they are responsible for around 38% of the crime that happens. And the worse the crime, the more likely it is that a black committed it. That isn't "racism." That is truth. And truth is hate to those who hate the truth. So, how much of a truth hater are you. Because here's another statistic for you. Between 2003-2008, there were 135,260 cases of black on White sexual assaults-rapes in the U.S. During the same time frame, the number of White on black sexual assaults-rapes was 0 to 10! So, who is worm enough to sling the "racist" accusation at me now. Who knows. The way most people are brainwashed, it might at least get you a Pavlovian response in your favor. Here are some graphs to take into consideration. Look at each closely. If you dare.

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View attachment 22527

And recently because of the actions of the hero Payton Gendron, that piece of shit black ass kisser Biden basically called "White supremacy" a disease in this country. What an asshole.

Another racist. Geebus. I'm going to have to do a scrub...
Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

Fact check: Misleading bar graph presents distorted interpretation of black and white murder rates

Shared on Facebook and Instagram, posts include a bar graph showing “murder of blacks and whites in the US, 2013” broken down by the races of the perpetrators. While the graph itself is accurate, the way it is presented is misleading.

these articles are 2 years old. The tip off that our resident sheet wearer is using "fake news" is in small print in the bottom right hand corner of his first pic, "dieniggerdie.jpg"

I swear, the pointy hood crowd is REALLY getting desperate and therefore pathetic in their propaganda. Must be breathing in too much fumes from those cross burnings. :rolleyes:

You are either black, stupid or a traitor. Over the years I have seen all sorts of websites speaking about the topic. They all say pretty much the same thing. And the one graph I showed concerning murder rates by race and ethnicity came directly from a CDC website. Next, what I may have labeled a graph or whatever as has nothing to do with whether or not something is fake. How about this. You tell me what I said or posted is untrue. I can back up anything I say.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

Fact check: Misleading bar graph presents distorted interpretation of black and white murder rates

Shared on Facebook and Instagram, posts include a bar graph showing “murder of blacks and whites in the US, 2013” broken down by the races of the perpetrators. While the graph itself is accurate, the way it is presented is misleading.

these articles are 2 years old. The tip off that our resident sheet wearer is using "fake news" is in small print in the bottom right hand corner of his first pic, "dieniggerdie.jpg"

I swear, the pointy hood crowd is REALLY getting desperate and therefore pathetic in their propaganda. Must be breathing in too much fumes from those cross burnings. :rolleyes:

You are either black, stupid or a traitor. Over the years I have seen all sorts of websites speaking about the topic. They all say pretty much the same thing. And the one graph I showed concerning murder rates by race and ethnicity came directly from a CDC website. Next, what I may have labeled a graph or whatever as has nothing to do with whether or not something is fake. How about this. You tell me what I said or posted is untrue. I can back up anything I say.

Folks, this guy has to be one of the dumbest KKK/alt-right/MAGA bullhorns I've come across in a long time. He doesn't read carefully or comprehensively anything that he perceives as a threat to his propaganda. Had he done so, he would have seen the valid, documented sources within the articles that I linked. Also, they explain in detail how cretins like old Tiggered59 here distort, misrepresent and just basically lie about valid stats. Nope, the little dope just read the headlines, saw the "reuters" source and started bleating his BS. And to top it all off, the damned fool proudly admits that he edited a graph he used with the tag "dieniggerdie.jpg" :palm: Whether he did or didn't, it's a clear indication of the intellectually impotent and dishonest mindset of this POS.

Well, once I get these pointy hooded clowns to start foaming at the mouth for all to see, my job is done. I just leave them to end up on the FBI/Homeland Security watch list, or on trial like the Jan. 6th jokers.

So long, chump.
Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

Fact check: Misleading bar graph presents distorted interpretation of black and white murder rates

Shared on Facebook and Instagram, posts include a bar graph showing “murder of blacks and whites in the US, 2013” broken down by the races of the perpetrators. While the graph itself is accurate, the way it is presented is misleading.

these articles are 2 years old. The tip off that our resident sheet wearer is using "fake news" is in small print in the bottom right hand corner of his first pic, "dieniggerdie.jpg"

I swear, the pointy hood crowd is REALLY getting desperate and therefore pathetic in their propaganda. Must be breathing in too much fumes from those cross burnings. :rolleyes:

Figures Cultsmasher is a liar along with being at the bottom of the barrel of human beings.

When a picture is named "die niggers die.jpg" then the poster is clearly an anti-American douchebag:

Last edited:
I wonder how many people here think that it's White people's fault. That Whites somehow drive them to commit crime. Well there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. And with there hardly being any White people around at all, how can their shithole countries be blamed on White people.

Also, blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. But they are responsible for around 38% of the crime that happens. And the worse the crime, the more likely it is that a black committed it. That isn't "racism." That is truth. And truth is hate to those who hate the truth. So, how much of a truth hater are you. Because here's another statistic for you. Between 2003-2008, there were 135,260 cases of black on White sexual assaults-rapes in the U.S. During the same time frame, the number of White on black sexual assaults-rapes was 0 to 10! So, who is worm enough to sling the "racist" accusation at me now. Who knows. The way most people are brainwashed, it might at least get you a Pavlovian response in your favor. Here are some graphs to take into consideration. Look at each closely. If you dare.

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View attachment 22527

And recently because of the actions of the hero Payton Gendron, that piece of shit black ass kisser Biden basically called "White supremacy" a disease in this country. What an asshole.

Well bless your heart. Using cherry picked data to support your racist bullshit. Aren't you just the sweetest thing?
I wonder how many people here think that it's White people's fault. That Whites somehow drive them to commit crime. Well there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. And with there hardly being any White people around at all, how can their shithole countries be blamed on White people.

Also, blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. But they are responsible for around 38% of the crime that happens. And the worse the crime, the more likely it is that a black committed it. That isn't "racism." That is truth. And truth is hate to those who hate the truth. So, how much of a truth hater are you. Because here's another statistic for you. Between 2003-2008, there were 135,260 cases of black on White sexual assaults-rapes in the U.S. During the same time frame, the number of White on black sexual assaults-rapes was 0 to 10! So, who is worm enough to sling the "racist" accusation at me now. Who knows. The way most people are brainwashed, it might at least get you a Pavlovian response in your favor. Here are some graphs to take into consideration. Look at each closely. If you dare.

View attachment 22523

View attachment 22524

View attachment 22525

View attachment 22526

View attachment 22527

And recently because of the actions of the hero Payton Gendron, that piece of shit black ass kisser Biden basically called "White supremacy" a disease in this country. What an asshole.

You appear to be a fucking fool for the following and projecting reasons, and this is when the majority of stinking ass gutter MAGAT boys waging war against the U.S. This barbaric and treasonous form of worthless and rancid act of un-American barbarians being in league with the seditious repuke and tRump atrocity that is not only in the whore bed with foreign enemies to wage war on humanity but is also on a war rampage against the U.S. and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth, and even against their own brainwashed cult followers at whoring around in the bed too with the devil, and with the repuke party of rot!

White supremacists behind majority of US domestic terror attacks in 2020

White supremacists and other rightwing extremists have been responsible for 67% of domestic terror attacks and plots so far this year, with at least half of that violence targeting protesters, according to a new analysis from a centrist thinktank.

The report found only a single deadly “far-left” attack in 2020, the shooting of Aaron Danielson, a rightwing activist, by a self-described “anti-fascist” during a protest in Portland this August. Experts on extremism said this was the first killing linked to an anti-fascist in the United States in 25 years.

Violent rightwing actors were responsible for 41 politically motivated attacks and plots this year, while “far-left” actors were responsible for 12, according to analysts at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), who have assembled a database of domestic terror attacks going back to 1994."
You appear to be a fucking fool for the following and projecting reasons, and this is when the majority of stinking ass gutter MAGAT boys waging war against the U.S. This barbaric and treasonous form of worthless and rancid act of un-American barbarians being in league with the seditious repuke and tRump atrocity that is not only in the whore bed with foreign enemies to wage war on humanity but is also on a war rampage against the U.S. and anything else of a civilized nature on Earth, and even against their own brainwashed cult followers at whoring around in the bed too with the devil, and with the repuke party of rot!

White supremacists behind majority of US domestic terror attacks in 2020

White supremacists and other rightwing extremists have been responsible for 67% of domestic terror attacks and plots so far this year, with at least half of that violence targeting protesters, according to a new analysis from a centrist thinktank.

The report found only a single deadly “far-left” attack in 2020, the shooting of Aaron Danielson, a rightwing activist, by a self-described “anti-fascist” during a protest in Portland this August. Experts on extremism said this was the first killing linked to an anti-fascist in the United States in 25 years.

Violent rightwing actors were responsible for 41 politically motivated attacks and plots this year, while “far-left” actors were responsible for 12, according to analysts at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), who have assembled a database of domestic terror attacks going back to 1994."

Just look at how close to Nazi Germany we are already.

This son of a bitch is going down.

Buckle Up!
How's about repuke crime that is of a high crime nature against the entirety of the U.S.? You bumbass trolls insist on projecting atrocities associated with your kind, and you want to know why? Well, here are the reasons why:

The coup failed, but Republicans must face prosecution for seditious U.S. Capitol attack

Read more at:

White supremacists behind majority of US domestic terror attacks in 2020

Data stands in stark contrast to claims by Donald Trump, who has argued that leftwing violence is a major threat"

To me, they are more like un-American and treasonous white trash.

Studies Show Capitol Rioters Were Majority White Men