Black crime.

Just look at how close to Nazi Germany we are already.

This son of a bitch is going down.

Buckle Up!

Hey genius, what administration gave us the Patriot Act? The Stasi like entity that is called Homeland Security? And didn't you and your brethren cheer and unwaveringly support such?

If you're going to be a MAGA troll, at least make the effort not to bray ignorance and contradict your own blather.
I wonder how many people here think that it's White people's fault. That Whites somehow drive them to commit crime. Well there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. And with there hardly being any White people around at all, how can their shithole countries be blamed on White people.

Also, blacks make up 12.7 to 13.4% of the U.S. population. But they are responsible for around 38% of the crime that happens. And the worse the crime, the more likely it is that a black committed it. That isn't "racism." That is truth. And truth is hate to those who hate the truth. So, how much of a truth hater are you. Because here's another statistic for you. Between 2003-2008, there were 135,260 cases of black on White sexual assaults-rapes in the U.S. During the same time frame, the number of White on black sexual assaults-rapes was 0 to 10! So, who is worm enough to sling the "racist" accusation at me now. Who knows. The way most people are brainwashed, it might at least get you a Pavlovian response in your favor. Here are some graphs to take into consideration. Look at each closely. If you dare.

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And recently because of the actions of the hero Payton Gendron, that piece of shit black ass kisser Biden basically called "White supremacy" a disease in this country. What an asshole.

Asshole white supremacist says "what". Get away from us with this evil, Nazi bullshit, meathead. You suck, bigot bitch.
Hey genius, what administration gave us the Patriot Act? The Stasi like entity that is called Homeland Security? And didn't you and your brethren cheer and unwaveringly support such?

If you're going to be a MAGA troll, at least make the effort not to bray ignorance and contradict your own blather.

Neither could have passed without staunch democrat support. Pity you have such a short memory. Not to mention all the democrat Presidents, Senate and Congress who kept renewing it.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Hey genius, what administration gave us the Patriot Act? The Stasi like entity that is called Homeland Security? And didn't you and your brethren cheer and unwaveringly support such?

If you're going to be a MAGA troll, at least make the effort not to bray ignorance and contradict your own blather.

Neither could have passed without staunch democrat support. Pity you have such a short memory. Not to mention all the democrat Presidents, Senate and Congress who kept renewing it.

Like the MAGA coward you are, you don't have the cojones to concede that it was the Shrub & party that conceived and sold the pack of lies that resulted in the faux invasion of Iraq, creation of the Patriot Act (author Sen. Sensenbrenner )and Homeland Security Rep. Dick Armey), both signed into law by the Shrub (aka G.W. Bush). I never said that the Dems were without sin here regarding blind and politically expedient complicity (I think only 8 Dems and one Independ voted against creating DHS, only Dem Sen. Feingold voted against the Patriot Act).... but they weren't the original authors, nor did they drum beat the lies of 9-11 and penalize all who dared to contradict (cost the career of a CIA agent and compromised a highly sensitive operation). And remember (or get educated) that the subsequent Dem Presidents and Congress did NOT have the votes to even edit said laws, much less rescind them ... a successful stonewall by the GOP.

See, unlike you I can equally give credit and blame where due.
This is because of Uvalde. Repupuke racist fucks always try to pivot to "Chicago" or "black on black crime" whenever they kill babies like they did in Uvalde last week. The blood of those babies are on Repukes hands.
This is because of Uvalde. Repupuke racist fucks always try to pivot to "Chicago" or "black on black crime" whenever they kill babies like they did in Uvalde last week. The blood of those babies are on Repukes hands.

OP is banned, your point is moot.

OP was cultsmasher. Your bumping this..kinda makes you derp. Sorry. :(
matt. you're on ignore. It makes me really sad because I really thought you were a good guy. I'm not going to troll you or taunt you. We just didn't work out man. Good luck!

Just please leave me alone. Thanks, man.
Like the MAGA coward you are, you don't have the cojones to concede that it was the Shrub & party that conceived and sold the pack of lies that resulted in the faux invasion of Iraq, creation of the Patriot Act (author Sen. Sensenbrenner )and Homeland Security Rep. Dick Armey), both signed into law by the Shrub (aka G.W. Bush). I never said that the Dems were without sin here regarding blind and politically expedient complicity (I think only 8 Dems and one Independ voted against creating DHS, only Dem Sen. Feingold voted against the Patriot Act).... but they weren't the original authors, nor did they drum beat the lies of 9-11 and penalize all who dared to contradict (cost the career of a CIA agent and compromised a highly sensitive operation). And remember (or get educated) that the subsequent Dem Presidents and Congress did NOT have the votes to even edit said laws, much less rescind them ... a successful stonewall by the GOP.

See, unlike you I can equally give credit and blame where due.

So, ah. You as usual have nothing but blustering. Go fuck yourself democrat. Useless piece of shit.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Like the MAGA coward you are, you don't have the cojones to concede that it was the Shrub & party that conceived and sold the pack of lies that resulted in the faux invasion of Iraq, creation of the Patriot Act (author Sen. Sensenbrenner )and Homeland Security Rep. Dick Armey), both signed into law by the Shrub (aka G.W. Bush). I never said that the Dems were without sin here regarding blind and politically expedient complicity (I think only 8 Dems and one Independ voted against creating DHS, only Dem Sen. Feingold voted against the Patriot Act).... but they weren't the original authors, nor did they drum beat the lies of 9-11 and penalize all who dared to contradict (cost the career of a CIA agent and compromised a highly sensitive operation). And remember (or get educated) that the subsequent Dem Presidents and Congress did NOT have the votes to even edit said laws, much less rescind them ... a successful stonewall by the GOP.

See, unlike you I can equally give credit and blame where due.

So, ah. You as usual have nothing but blustering. Go fuck yourself democrat. Useless piece of shit.

translation: face with facts that he cannot disprove or deny, our moronic Sailor hoists his MAGA flag and sails off on the sea of stupidity.

Given how the little dummy consistently dogs my posts and threads even though he's notified that he's on my ignore list by the system, I periodically let him off in hopes that he'll act like he has some God damned sense and debate/discuss with intellectual honesty and rationality. Clearly, he won't. Back on the list with him.
translation: face with facts that he cannot disprove or deny, our moronic Sailor hoists his MAGA flag and sails off on the sea of stupidity.

Given how the little dummy consistently dogs my posts and threads even though he's notified that he's on my ignore list by the system, I periodically let him off in hopes that he'll act like he has some God damned sense and debate/discuss with intellectual honesty and rationality. Clearly, he won't. Back on the list with him.

Poor Tai. Born a dumb fuck and never recovered.