Black Folk Don't Like to Be Told They're Not Black Op-Ed by Issa Rae for Huff Post

Exactly. Imagine me...........having spent 2 years in public school in Chicago, in a racially-mixed environment, and then 3 years in a racially mixed , all boys Episcopal Choir School (in Chicago) , my freshman year at a Christian Brothers-run Catholic boys high school (racially-mixed) , and then culture shock my sophomore year at a co-ed, predominantly black high school in Houston, Texas.
Talk about my almost non-existent "blackness" being on the line! I had to get a clue.
Now that I can relate too. In the middle of my senior year I moved from an urban high school with a racially mixed student body of around 3,000 to a pearly white rural high school where there was about 40 people in my graduating and I was the only non-catholic.......and it was made perfectly clear to me too that not being Catholic was significant. That was to make it perfectly clear to me that I was an outsider and could never, ever, ever possibly consider being an insider in their community. I didn't help matters by asking "Why would I want to?"