Black History Month


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16 Incredible, Inspiring, And Unforgettable Stories About Black People Who Deserve To Be Talked About More

While you probably know the stories of Black trailblazers and history makers like Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Muhammad Ali, there are so many incredible Black Americans whose stories aren't as widely shared.

Here are 16 Black people whose fascinating stories you might not have heard before, but definitely should learn about:

Wokesters insist we need to talk about 'Black Victims/White Oppressors' 24 hours a day.
It's based on something about 'Who talks the Most'. Some academic thesis on 'Air Time' and 'Winning'.
Wokesters insist we need to talk about 'Black Victims/White Oppressors' 24 hours a day.
It's based on something about 'Who talks the Most'. Some academic thesis on 'Air Time' and 'Winning'.

Fuck you asshole

You prefer coma to woke

Because your a fucking low grade racist

No more backlash

We are not Going to walk back reality because you can’t fucking handle reality

Shit brick
Random fun fact. My high school next year will be one of 50 in the country to offer AP African-American history class.
A good opportunity for me to post some John Lee Hooker music. You basically can't imagine American music without the trailblazing black artists.

16 Incredible, Inspiring, And Unforgettable Stories About Black People Who Deserve To Be Talked About More

While you probably know the stories of Black trailblazers and history makers like Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Muhammad Ali, there are so many incredible Black Americans whose stories aren't as widely shared.

Here are 16 Black people whose fascinating stories you might not have heard before, but definitely should learn about:

Really good article; thanks, Kenneth. I've only heard of a couple of these folks.
Wokesters insist we need to talk about 'Black Victims/White Oppressors' 24 hours a day.
It's based on something about 'Who talks the Most'. Some academic thesis on 'Air Time' and 'Winning'.

Maybe you should try reading the article before flushing yourself down the Trollish Toilet. Hint: It is not about victims but about something you would know little about: high achievement.
Random fun fact. My high school next year will be one of 50 in the country to offer AP African-American history class.

That's cool. Even if the non-black kids get nothing out of it, it's valuable to highlight the positive parts of black history, and in particular the shining stars. Kids who have ppl to look up to tend to be high achievers as well.
Maybe you should try reading the article before flushing yourself down the Trollish Toilet. Hint: It is not about victims but about something you would know little about: high achievement.

:) I just got through reading 'Woke Racism', so I'm a little disheartened by what the 'Agenda' seems to be.
(Will you support your grandson being convinced he is a Victim. And his oppressors are all the White People?)
Maybe you should try reading the article before flushing yourself down the Trollish Toilet. Hint: It is not about victims but about something you would know little about: high achievement.

Will you tell your grandson he is 'Black'. That his Identity is 'Black' and that there is 'systematic racism' all around him. Will you tell him he's not responsible for his future, that any failure he encounters is because of White Privilege.
Or. That he's a Human Being ... and can do anything or be anything he wants to be?
:) I just got through reading 'Woke Racism', so I'm a little disheartened by what the 'Agenda' seems to be.
(Will you support your grandson being convinced he is a Victim. And his oppressors are all the White People?)

Wonder what side you would be on in Germany

Teaching the subject of the Holocaust and the Nazi era is mandatory in German schools and in addition to the classroom curriculum, almost all students have either visited a concentration camp or a Holocaust memorial or museum. However, Lars Rensmann, a German educator who teaches political science at the University of Munich and at the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, University of Potsdam, points out some of the limitations on how deep this education goes and how many young Germans it reaches.

No outcry of German kids
Will you tell your grandson he is 'Black'. That his Identity is 'Black' and that there is 'systematic racism' all around him. Will you tell him he's not responsible for his future, that any failure he encounters is because of White Privilege.
Or. That he's a Human Being ... and can do anything or be anything he wants to be?

Where does teaching Black history do that?
Wonder what side you would be on in Germany

Teaching the subject of the Holocaust and the Nazi era is mandatory in German schools and in addition to the classroom curriculum, almost all students have either visited a concentration camp or a Holocaust memorial or museum. However, Lars Rensmann, a German educator who teaches political science at the University of Munich and at the Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies, University of Potsdam, points out some of the limitations on how deep this education goes and how many young Germans it reaches.

No outcry of German kids

Do you support Jews being conditioned as being perpetual Victims? Do you support creating an atmosphere of 'anti-semitic racism' all around you? Do you support the idea that White People are your Oppressors?
Where does teaching Black history do that?

According to the academic Intelligentzia, blacks must identify with 'Blackness', meaning 'Not White'.
'Blacks' must shed any Individualism and belong to Black Culture.