Black History Month

Okay, which means they never saw combat. Japanese were deliberately not put into combat roles in the Pacific, because it was believed that such a position would place an undo emotional burden on them which might challenge their patriotism. The DoW felt it safest to just deploy them to Europe where fighting Germans, Italians and Vichy French would be a safe bet.

Okay, which means they never saw combat. Japanese were deliberately not put into combat roles in the Pacific, because it was believed that such a position would place an undo emotional burden on them which might challenge their patriotism. The DoW felt it safest to just deploy them to Europe where fighting Germans, Italians and Vichy French would be a safe bet.

click on the link I added for you above!
HUA! Incidentally, though, that they were in constant danger doesn't mean they were in a combat role (the link mentions the bodyguards the DoW provided for them). Kind of like the field news reporters in Vietnam.

HUA! Incidentally, though, that they were in constant danger doesn't mean they were in a combat role (the link mentions the bodyguards the DoW provided for them). Kind of like the field news reporters in Vietnam.

I know it is hard to admit to making a mistake...just scroll down the article...there is a section related to their combat them on...kay?
For God's sake 3D...............!

I read it, and it said absolutely nothing about combat roles. It did say something about bodyguards, which precludes combat roles...

What do they teach in college nowdays? are lacking basic reading comprehension and search skills....

Scroll down the article to the section...'Forward'...'Overview of the war in asia and the Pacific'...

See the sections:
1) Prelude to Battle
2)In action in the southwest Pacific area
3)In action in the Pacific Ocean Areas

Check out the individual sections under these headings...many examples of actual combat told by those Japanese American soldiers who served with the Army,Navy and Marines...they tell their stories of firefights and such...

Click here>>>>> then begin your assignment!
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