black kids 10 x more likely to die of a gun shot then white kids

I didnt say anything about a rigged election moron . yes whites do but black communitys have serious murder rates and it needs adressed . stupid mother fuckers loke you and gem and guano ignore the problem and pretend its not real it needs fixed you dim wit and Im trying to help by openly and honestly talking about the issue . talking about cause and effect and solution and you racist cock suckers try to turn it onto im a racist for expressing my concern . i have black family blood and know a bit about the issue. You morons can pretend its not real and ignore it and spin on your thumb stuck up your ass or try to help be ingorant it fits you

look at the overall numbers, stupid fuck. you racist pig. the main problem is TOO MANY FUCKING GUNS, TOO EASY TO GET, AT TOO LOW A PRICE. and yeah, screwed up parents...NOT SKIN COLOR, STUPID BITCH.
look at the overall numbers, stupid fuck. you racist pig. the main problem is TOO MANY FUCKING GUNS, TOO EASY TO GET, AT TOO LOW A PRICE. and yeah, screwed up parents...NOT SKIN COLOR, STUPID BITCH.

I HAVE NEVER SEEN A GUN KILL A PERSON . I HAVE BEEN AROUND THEM ALL MY LIFE AND HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE MOVE OR SHOOT ON ITS OWN. Seems it has to have a human willing to kill another human holding it and to pull the trigger. Is the gun the problem or the human? seems logic and common sense can tell you if your not to fucking stupid like Hoosier fag daddy

now considering that blacks make up about 13 percent of the population this is a fairly startling number.
What we must ask is why is it so. Why are so many young blacks shooting each other and whos fault is it

LBJ's fault for destroying black culture with the so-called Great Society.
Blacks went from a culture grounded in family values to one that killed black families.
Shamefully, gun deaths reflect only part of the devastating toll of America’s growing gun violence epidemic. Many more children and teens are injured than killed with guns each day in our nation.

For every child or teen fatally shot in 2017, another five suffered non-fatal gunshot wounds.

An estimated 18,227 children and teens were injured with guns in 2017—a six percent increase from 2016.

Black children and teens had the highest gun death rate in 2017 (11.2 per 100,000) followed by American Indian/Alaska Native children and teens (5.6 per 100,000).

Black children and teens were four times more likely to be killed or injured with a gun than their white peers.

Although Black children and teens made up only 14 percent of all American children and teens, they accounted for 41 percent of child and teen gun deaths.

Eighty-six percent of children and teens who died from gunfire in 2017 were boys. Boys were six times more likely than girls to die in gun homicides. Black boys were 17 times more likely to be killed in gun homicides than white boys.

84 percent of gun deaths and 91 percent of gun injuries among children and teens occurred among 15- to 19-year-olds. Infants and toddlers were not immune, however. Guns killed twice as many children under 5 as law enforcement officers in the line of duty.

No child is safe in a nation with easy access to deadly weapons. Guns lethalize hate, anger and despair—increasing the odds a senseless act of violence turns into an irreversible tragedy.

American civilians own 393 million firearms—more than one gun per person. In contrast, U.S. military and law enforcement agencies have 5.5 million.

Americans account for less than 5 percent of the global population, but own nearly half (46 percent) of all civilian guns in the world.

Guns make violence more deadly. The use of a gun in family or intimate assaults increased the risk of death 12 times. An estimated 41 percent of gun-related homicides and 94 percent of gun-related suicides would not occur if no guns were present.

Until we as a nation decide we value children’s lives more than guns, we will continue to bury too many of our loved ones before their time. We must urgently pass new common sense gun violence prevention measures and strengthen existing ones to ensure all children the chance to live, learn and play free from violence and fear. With a child or teen killed or injured every 24 minutes, we don’t have another moment or life to waste.

How did gun control work in Jamaica!?
Blacks are 12% of the USA..

fag daddy is to stupid to do the math hes a liberal. yes blacks arwe around 12 or 13 percent of the population

when you look at the numbers for violent crimes you have whites 470,890 and blacks 276,310, these are fag daddys numbers by the way. as you can see blacks only madwe up about 13 percent of the population yet w had a huge amount of violent crime . thats fag daddy for making my point and proving your a idiot at the same time .
black kids are also born into poverty, bad neighborhoods, bad parenting at a rate that is similarly out of whack, racist. skin color is the weakest ass reason for how people act.

Lol, Prince George's Country Maryland is mostly Black middle class & above.
Still has a high murder rate.
Lol, Prince George's Country Maryland is mostly Black middle class & above.
Still has a high murder rate.

it probably has a bunch of dumbshit racist polocks, too, who think race and national origin determine how a person acts.

let us compare the violent crime rate of NYC to Branson, Mo, and Lubbock, Tx-

Crime Rate NYC
(per 1,000 residents)

Crime Rate Branson
Violent- 6.28----Property-100.86------Total- 107.14

Crime Rate Lubbock
Violent- 10.12----Property- 47.09----Total- 57.21

stick that up your racist ass, you dumb polock.
it probably has a bunch of dumbshit racist polocks, too, who think race and national origin determine how a person acts.

let us compare the violent crime rate of NYC to Branson, Mo, and Lubbock, Tx-

Crime Rate NYC
(per 1,000 residents)

Crime Rate Branson
Violent- 6.28----Property-100.86------Total- 107.14

Crime Rate Lubbock
Violent- 10.12----Property- 47.09----Total- 57.21

stick that up your racist ass, you dumb polock.

You're dumb, a typical West Euro trash bag.

Maybe you should check the race & crime report by the NYPD in 2020.
In 2020
3.6% of arrestees of murder were White & 60.2% were Black.

Even though more of NYC is White than Black.
You're dumb, a typical West Euro trash bag.

Maybe you should check the race & crime report by the NYPD in 2020.
In 2020
3.6% of arrestees of murder were White & 60.2% were Black.

Even though more of NYC is White than Black.

fuck you. polocks are just too stupid to understand numbers above 20. how many different half ass countries have invaded and defeated the dumbshit polocks, bitch? what pussies you are.
fuck you. polocks are just too stupid to understand numbers above 20. how many different half ass countries have invaded and defeated the dumbshit polocks, bitch? what pussies you are.

Poland was only defeated badly 2 times in the past 1,000 years.

Most of the time Polish forces won in battle, often when outnumbered.

You know absolutely NOTHING about Polish history.

Poland in WW2 was ganged up upon by the 2 largest countries in Europe Germany & Russia.

Why is it surprising they lost!?

You think & act kind of like a N3gro.

You West Euros are sub Human savages too.
fuck you. polocks are just too stupid to understand numbers above 20. how many different half ass countries have invaded and defeated the dumbshit polocks, bitch? what pussies you are.

You Texan savages brag about losing the Alamo.

Yet, Poland was even more outnumbered in the Battle of Komarow in 1920 & won with 1,700 Poles defeating 17,500 Soviet forces.
it probably has a bunch of dumbshit racist polocks, too, who think race and national origin determine how a person acts.

let us compare the violent crime rate of NYC to Branson, Mo, and Lubbock, Tx-

Crime Rate NYC
(per 1,000 residents)

Crime Rate Branson
Violent- 6.28----Property-100.86------Total- 107.14

Crime Rate Lubbock
Violent- 10.12----Property- 47.09----Total- 57.21

stick that up your racist ass, you dumb polock.

Prince George's County, Maryland has a higher murder rate than NYC too.

PG county is over 63% Black & just over 13% White.

Isn't even 1 percent Polish.

Black household income in PG county was over 76k
Well above the national average.

In 2020 PG county had 99 murders out of 900,000 people.

That's a 10 out of 100,000 murder rate.

About double that of NYC & the national average.