Black lives matter?

I don't consider Turd Digester and others to be trolls. They believe what they believe. I give them a pass. Doesn't stop me from laughing at them though.
You look all the world like a Regressive Lefty pretending to be a righty because as a Modern Moron you really do suck this much.

I Smell U!

There's only one guy on this forum I would ever sit down with and negotiate, he's the only honest one. He ain't you. It's Rune. Not you. Be better...isn't that what you little pricks better?
There's only one guy on this forum I would ever sit down with and negotiate, he's the only honest one. He ain't you. It's Rune. Not you. Be better...isn't that what you little pricks better?

I dont talk about Be Better! here much.

You sound like someone I know from that bankrupt deeply corrupt swamp called DP...."Civility Is A Must!" those liars claim!

Transparency Matters!

There's only one guy on this forum I would ever sit down with and negotiate, he's the only honest one. He ain't you. It's Rune. Not you. Be better...isn't that what you little pricks better?

Runeatic is one angry dude, hasn't he called you a shitstain yet? He used to be less angry pre-Snarla!