Black mobs terrorizing cities ignored by law enforcement and news reporters?

You got links to all those Black on white crimes? And just so you know I would consider "vast" to be tens of thousands so i'll need at lest, oh lets say, a thousand links. Oh and make sure they were proven to be racially motivated and not just crimes of opportunity.

Or maybe we should take your undereducated word over my overeducated word?

Make sure they were "proven to be racially motivated"? I like how you add in that caveat. It is a tacit admission that you know there is more black on white crime. That is the only point that was made and it can be proven. Now, you post all of the links of white on black crime. Hell, I don't even need you to prove it was "racially motivated". I will just accept that it is. Let's see who gets more.

Ready? GO!