Fuck you, asshole.
He posts that bullshit and wants to talk about parroting.
Fuck you, asshole.
He posts that bullshit and wants to talk about parroting.
Yeah YOU, ya goose stepping goon! The chronology of the posts shows you're nothing but a Nazi/hood wearing propaganda parrot....short on cognitive reasoning, long on repetition.
I was always taught that being brought up in a liberal household was a sign of low character and cowardice.
Being brought up in a liberal household is child abuse and it's RACIST!
It creates a lot of dumbasses, too.
One of the most disgusting things about me & liberals is that we take advantage of knowing that dogs will lick peanut off of anything.
While ignorant white trash, subhuman peckerwood garbage like CFM just gets dumber and dumber...
Nobody gives a shit what you think, BOY.
You were raised ignorant in a typical right-wing redneck shit hole, so who the fuck are you to talk???
Just shut the fuck up and keep paying your taxes like a good little WIGGER BOY.
I refuse to watch Micheal Moore videos because the last thing I want to see is six black men getting prostate exams by a 450 pound 1% occupier.
You have quite an imagination~if it could be called that..........
Watch it, you prob are not going to find the original version on those porno sites though, check out youtube..
You have quite an imagination~if it could be called that..........
Watch it, you prob are not going to find the original version on those porno sites though, check out youtube..
Peckerwood is a racist slur, you racist porch monkey!
I give a shit what he thinks.
You're as big of a piece of shit as CFM is, so nobody cares.
If blacks are getting smarter, why do they continue to fall further behind everyone else?
They aren't falling further behind everyone else.
There are more black college students and college graduates today than at any time in history.
There are also more black business owners, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, doctors, nurses, lawyers and other professionals, as well as elected and other govt officials than at any time in history.
Typically, low-class right-wing peckerwood trash like you has to rely on false premises and strawman arguments to promulgate your bigoted, bullshit ideas.
Fortunately everyone outside your ignorant, backwards inbred ilk are also getting smarter which is resulting in your little peckerwood world getting smaller and smaller.
You're as big of a piece of shit as CFM is, so nobody cares.
This says otherwise but be a good little Liberal and discount the source because you don't like the facts.
In 1940, when factory jobs were an entry into the middle class, fewer than 10 percent of black men had completed high school while 28 percent of white men had. By 2014, rates for both races were near 90 percent...
“African-Americans are improving their overall attainment,” said Charles. “But they have a headwind that they’re leaning into.”
To explain the divergence in median earnings in the 1980s, the authors also cited mass incarceration and the loss of manufacturing jobs. Both had a disproportionate impact on blacks and almost had the effect of reversing the progress made under racially targeted policies, such as affirmative action and desegregation. Although the War on Drugs' mass incarceration wasn’t a racial policy on its face, the punishments were much harsher for offenses more commonly committed by minorities. For example, the penalties for crack, more commonly used by poor blacks, was stiffer than for cocaine, more commonly used by whites.
The research had one final surprise, and it was a positive one.
High-earning black men have made great strides in closing the income gap with their white counterparts over the decades.
I can't be a piece of shit, I didn't vote for Hillary.
That's just one of the many reasons why you are one, shitty drawers.