Black protestor puts a beatdown on looting ANTIFA Scum

The red shirt and pants. Antifa colors. Who do you think the organized white looters are? people of opportunity? sure some of them are, but even them are being agitated to looting and rioting by antifa and the media.

at .21 see the guy picking somneones shit up? red and black? antifa.

if they are wearing red and looting, it's antifa, if they are all dressed in black black bloc tactics of antifa, if they are wearing red and black it's antifa.

the whole idea that ANTIFA is or is not an organized group is a misleading one, it is both, and neither. there are organized ANTIFA groups that swell with hanger oners when this stuff happens. but if you go into these protests in red, or black, or black and red, you are representing ANTIFA as a group.
I don’t support Antifa, but, I will wait for the facts.
No they're not. The media just doesn't want to admit that it's black people doing this.

You can be both black and anti-fascist.
It’s isn’t just black doing it, there is a large number of whites vandalizing and looting. You are wrong as well. I’ve seen media showing video of blacks and whites causing problems.
I don’t support Antifa, but, I will wait for the facts.

Cool, eventually either you will get the facts or the media will change the narrative. let me ask you, do you think it's more likely antifa or white nationalist as the media is saturating the news cycle with?
It’s isn’t just black doing it, there is a large number of whites vandalizing and looting. You are wrong as well. I’ve seen media showing video of blacks and whites causing problems.

What do you mean "as well" I wasn't stating it was only one or the other, ;)
Cool, eventually either you will get the facts or the media will change the narrative. let me ask you, do you think it's more likely antifa or white nationalist as the media is saturating the news cycle with?
I don’t care about labels, they are breaking the law and need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The only important thing to note is it is not the peaceful protestors rioting. The majority are peaceful protestors.
Reverend_Hellh0und;3689802[B said:
]I've been protesting in this city for 4 days now. I know damn well who ANTIFA is.[/B]

Why the fuck are you defending terrrorists who are ruining the message? do you care about black people or defending ANTIFA? you can't do both.

Is that proof of who Antifa is??????????
I don’t care about labels, they are breaking the law and need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The only important thing to note is it is not the peaceful protestors rioting. The majority are peaceful protestors.

Those anarchists who burn down businesses and police cars and police stations are not peaceful.

Those anarchists who murder a police officer aren’t peaceful.
It’s isn’t just black doing it, there is a large number of whites vandalizing and looting. You are wrong as well. I’ve seen media showing video of blacks and whites causing problems.

There are Whites rioting too, I never denied that. I'm saying that it's mostly Blacks and it's not Antifa.
That's not what the videos show. And that would be out of character for Antifa.

So are you like the local antifa propagandist? You don't know shit about ANTIFA stop pretending you do and stop blaming your hero's violence and destruction on black people, that's racist as fuck.
So are you like the local antifa propagandist? You don't know shit about ANTIFA stop pretending you do and stop blaming your hero's violence and destruction on black people, that's racist as fuck.

It's easy to separate antifa from BLM. Antifa is a loose confederation of communists/socialists and anarchists. They think America is fascist and they don't believe in personal property. So if you see a bunch of black hooded-baclava-wearing assholes breaking store windows and setting shit on fire, but they just run past without stealing anything, that's antifa. BLM thinks everyone but them is stupid so they need to protest everyday for 2 months straight to get their "message" out. They like to block traffic and generally be a pain in the ass, thinking this will win over white people(have to say, this might work with stupid white leftists with "white guilt"). Looters? They are like carrion birds over a medieval battle field. I've seen blacks and whites looting side by side. They're just Christmas shopping and diluting the "message" of both antifa and BLM. Hope this helps. As a side note, BLM has a lot of potential to be a force for positive change, but they have to tighten up. I'd love to see them credentialed, I'd like to see them apply for a permit good for a maximum of 3 days of peaceful protest, in a designated area, with no marches. Any funny business outside of that designated area would probably be antifa and looters. The longer they engage in their so called protests, the more opportunity they provide for antifa and looters to associate themselves with the BLM agenda, until it all just gets jumbled together and most people get irritated and start to believe all of these people are just a huge bunch of assholes. That's where I'm at right now.
White nationalists want to start a race war. They have dozens of enablers on this site. FACT.
So one of my best friends is a guy named Marcus Pachecho, look him up, then ask yourself if I may have a finger on the pulse of who is and who is not ANTIFA. I am part of the local hardcore/punk music scene here, grew up here, I know who's who.

Stop defending terrorists.

They are hurting our cause not helping it.


Hard core punk scene in NY?

Is it racist?
I don’t care about labels, they are breaking the law and need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The only important thing to note is it is not the peaceful protestors rioting. The majority are peaceful protestors.

Federal prosecutors have dismissed more than one-third of cases stemming from last summer’s violent protests in downtown Portland, when protesters clashed with federal agents. KGW reviewed federal court records and found 31 of the 90 protest cases have been dismissed by the U.S. Department of Justice, including a mix of misdemeanor and felony charges.

Some of the most serious charges dropped include four defendants charged with assaulting a federal officer, which is a felony. More than half of the dropped charges were "dismissed with prejudice," which several former federal prosecutors described as extremely rare. “Dismissed with prejudice” means the case can’t be brought back to court.