Blacks Commit the Most Hate Crimes and Interracial Violence

From 2016 to 2020, blacks nationally were twice as likely to commit a hate crime as whites, according to FBI data, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known.

Local data tell the same story. In New York City, from 2010 to 2020, blacks were 2.42 times as likely as whites to commit a hate crime, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. Blacks in Los Angeles committed anti-Asian hate crimes at 4.8 times the rate of whites in 2021, according to internal LAPD data. Blacks in L.A. committed anti-gay hate crimes at seven times the rate of whites, and anti-Semitic hate crimes at 2.4 times the rate of whites, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. Blacks committed anti-trans hate crimes at 2.5 times the rate of Hispanics; there were no white suspects in anti-trans hate crimes in L.A. in 2021.

In the U.S., blacks commit the vast share of the interracial violence between blacks and whites that is not classified as a hate crime:*88 percent. Some portion of the gratuitously brutal beatings and carjackings that have become even more of a routine occurrence in the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd race riots undoubtedly have racial animus behind them. The authorities treat black-on-white crime as unremarkable, however, and rarely look into motive. Authorities almost always scrutinize white-on-black crime, rare as it is, for a hate enhancement, precisely because it is so rare.

So much for those evil white supremacists eh? The media and your government are lying to you, this isn't to denigrate the majority of blacks as this has nothing to do with hate crimes to begin with the real goal is to label Trump supporters and their political opposition in general as white supremacist terrorists so that they can turn the full power of the federal government against them. We now live under an unelected illegitimate authoritarian regime that rules through state terror, mass censorship, and the taking of political prisoners who are tortured until they confess and it's only going to get worse as November approaches, I fully expect the suspension of elections outright along with the suspension of Habeas Corpus under the new Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022 which mentions white supremacists and white supremacists only despite the aforementioned statistics demonstrating that non-whites commit more hate crimes.
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No. Not a current event. Does not belong here. I also think you may be Cultsmasher and trying to go around a permaban. Prove me wrong or face yet another ban.

Racism is NSFW, you know it. Do not post racism in the Current Events forum again, it will not go well for you.
No. Not a current event. Does not belong here. I also think you may be Cultsmasher and trying to go around a permaban. Prove me wrong or face yet another ban.

Racism is NSFW, you know it. Do not post racism in the Current Events forum again, it will not go well for you.

What the fuck are you blathering about? How am I supposed to prove your delusions false? There was nothing racist about my post which you obviously didn't read you laughable pos, this was absolutely current events it discusses the recent shooting, several hate crimes from the last year, the current domestic terrorism act that the House just voted for, oh I get it I said blacks so automatic racism right you stupid fuck? KYS retard, fuck you and forum full of nuts.
What the fuck are you blathering about? How am I supposed to prove your delusions false? There was nothing racist about my post which you obviously didn't read you laughable pos, this was absolutely current events it discusses the recent shooting, several hate crimes from the last year, the current domestic terrorism act that the House just voted for, oh I get it I said blacks so automatic racism right you stupid fuck? KYS retard, fuck you and forum full of nuts.

This is not a current event. Next time you post your racist BS post it in NSFW or go elsewhere where they let the underwear stains like you show publicly.
What the fuck are you blathering about? How am I supposed to prove your delusions false? There was nothing racist about my post which you obviously didn't read you laughable pos, this was absolutely current events it discusses the recent shooting, several hate crimes from the last year, the current domestic terrorism act that the House just voted for, oh I get it I said blacks so automatic racism right you stupid fuck? KYS retard, fuck you and forum full of nuts.

Three questions

Does the subject of the thread and the title of the thread match?

how in the fuck is the title of your thread a current event?

are you retarded?
Three questions

Does the subject of the thread and the title of the thread match?

how in the fuck is the title of your thread a current event?

are you retarded?

I'll channel stupid and answer for him.
No, the title and the thread do not match.
The title is not a current event.
From 2016 to 2020, blacks nationally were twice as likely to commit a hate crime as whites, according to FBI data, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known.

Local data tell the same story. In New York City, from 2010 to 2020, blacks were 2.42 times as likely as whites to commit a hate crime, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. Blacks in Los Angeles committed anti-Asian hate crimes at 4.8 times the rate of whites in 2021, according to internal LAPD data. Blacks in L.A. committed anti-gay hate crimes at seven times the rate of whites, and anti-Semitic hate crimes at 2.4 times the rate of whites, among hate-crime suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. Blacks committed anti-trans hate crimes at 2.5 times the rate of Hispanics; there were no white suspects in anti-trans hate crimes in L.A. in 2021.

In the U.S., blacks commit the vast share of the interracial violence between blacks and whites that is not classified as a hate crime:*88 percent. Some portion of the gratuitously brutal beatings and carjackings that have become even more of a routine occurrence in the aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd race riots undoubtedly have racial animus behind them. The authorities treat black-on-white crime as unremarkable, however, and rarely look into motive. Authorities almost always scrutinize white-on-black crime, rare as it is, for a hate enhancement, precisely because it is so rare.

So much for those evil white supremacists eh? The media and your government are lying to you, this isn't to denigrate the majority of blacks as this has nothing to do with hate crimes to begin with the real goal is to label Trump supporters and their political opposition in general as white supremacist terrorists so that they can turn the full power of the federal government against them. We now live under an unelected illegitimate authoritarian regime that rules through state terror, mass censorship, and the taking of political prisoners who are tortured until they confess and it's only going to get worse as November approaches, I fully expect the suspension of elections outright along with the suspension of Habeas Corpus under the new Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022 which mentions white supremacists and white supremacists only despite the aforementioned statistics demonstrating that non-whites commit more hate crimes.

didn't you just get banned under the name "fortify," or something like that
This is not a current event. Next time you post your racist BS post it in NSFW or go elsewhere where they let the underwear stains like you show publicly.

WTF is racist about the post you retarded pos? Statistics are racist now? How many threads are there on this board lamenting the evils of white supremacy? The majority of hate crimes and interracial violence are committed by blacks and you have the audacity to label pointing that incontrovertible fact out as itself racist? God you're fucking dumb.
I'll channel stupid and answer for him.
No, the title and the thread do not match.
The title is not a current event.

Your illiteracy is not my problem the article in the OP absolutely stated that the majority of hate crimes and interracial violence are committed by blacks, I quoted that portion verbatim.

The article lists and discusses several current events from the buffalo shooting to the recent passage of the domestic terrorism prevention act to several unreported to under reported cases of black on Asian and black on Hispanic hate crimes.

You are a retarded pos who had a knee jerk reaction to a statistic based objective fact.
Three questions

Does the subject of the thread and the title of the thread match?

how in the fuck is the title of your thread a current event?

are you retarded?

The article in the OP absolutely stated that the majority of hate crimes and interracial violence are committed by blacks, I quoted that portion verbatim.

The article lists and discusses several current events from the buffalo shooting to the recent passage of the domestic terrorism prevention act to several unreported to under reported cases of black on Asian and black on Hispanic hate crimes.
Statistics show that one out of three racists are just as stupid as the other two.

What was racist about my OP? How is stating an objective statistic based fact racist? Is it racist to falsely label white supremacy as the greatest threat to America day in and day out in half the threads on these boards and on every news channel and program?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post

Here's a reality check:

Of the 6,780 known offenders:

55.1% were White
21.2% were Black or African American
15.7% race unknown

Here's a reality check, blacks only account for 13% of the population meaning they're twice as likely to commit a hate crime as whites you stupid fuck.

No stupid, they're not. That I could easily produce facts from a reliable source that contradicts your previous myopic "conclusion" proves that. Repeating the ignorant claim by bigots juxtaposing stats won't cut it. Also, get someone to do the math for you regarding 21% of 6,780 as compared to 55%.

You're entitled to your own beliefs, not your own facts. But being a typical intellectually impotent David Duke wanna be, you'll just parrot the SOS ad nausea and ignore all else. Fortunately the rational, objective and intelligent reader will see your folly. Carry on
Here is a thought experiment: two criminals (one Black and one white) rob and bank, and drive away in a car. They start randomly shooting people out of the window of the get away car, without looking if the victims are Black or white. Each kills 5 people, basically reflecting the demographic makeup of America, so 4 whites and 1 Black.

One might claim that proves Blacks are more racist. The Black criminal did kill 4 whites, while the white criminal only killed 1 Black. In reality, our hypothetical criminals are not basing their killing on race at all. It is just random chance of their killings.

If it were just random chance in general, we would expect four times the chance of Black on white murders as white on Black murders... Which is not happening. For some reason whites are more likely to murder Blacks than the other way around.

My theory is that it is not direct racism. People kill their neighbors, families, and friends. They rarely go far from their comfort zone and kill other people. So think of a white in an [almost] all Black neighborhood, he is probably very poor, and more likely to murder someone. Now think of a Black in an [almost] all white neighborhood, he is probably doing well for himself, and far less likely to murder someone.
I am noticing that when crime is spoken of by the Mind Molders these days that we are often not allowed to know the genetics and the legal status of the perp. I am certain that this is because too often the perp is either black or illegal, which runs counter to the WOKE narrative.

The exception of course is when the perp is a white guy.
What caught my eye in the OP was this:

We now live under an unelected illegitimate authoritarian regime that rules through state terror, mass censorship, and the taking of political prisoners who are tortured until they confess.

I never heard of this or anything like it. Can anyone tell me what, if anything, it refers to?