
I have no clue either. One day uscitizen got a chip on his shoulder.

Basically I couldn't stand his one liner posts anymore. I don't hate uscitizen, I just don't like having the urge to gouge my eyes out whenever I enter a thread. And he spams every thread like crazy with non-sequitars and bad jokes. So it had to stop. Now I scroll through a thread and I get to skip most of what he says.

If you haven't ignored dixie or someone else you don't like, you should really try it. You just get to scroll through a thread and you literally may find yourself going "ahhhhhhhhhh", breathing a sigh of relief.

The fact that I can't see what he writes somehow offends him, as if I ever really paid attention to him in the first place. Couple that together with the fact that he can't ignore me BACK because I'm a moderator, (cause that'll show me), and you get someone that's a little cranky.
Administrators should not ignore any posts. I could be posting Kittie porn or something.

You are slacking off on your duty grind.
well if you post a picture of a 6 year old girl getting fucked by the family dog I'm sure I'll find out pretty quickly by the reaction of everyone else in the thread.