Blaming DEI without evidence is RACIST!

DEI itself is racist, as are the people who promote it.
How's that, Jethro? DEI includes whites (i.e., women/LGBTQ, non-Xtians) as well as non-whites. You MAGATs are just fearful little wussies who know that you don't measure up in many, many fields. So you blamed affirmative action and now DEI policies for your lack of skills, experience, education, etc. that -- if you had them -- could have landed you a better job or a promotion.
This is not news. This is precisely WHY they are focusing on DEI. They can no longer say the "N-word" and no one lets them talk about the "Bell Curve" so they have to find new dog whistles.

DEI is the new one for them. Used to be "Affirmative Action".

Thank you. Exactly true. DEI acts as a bigot's umbrella and includes everyone that particular individual hates -- women, LGBTQ people, non-Xtians, non-whites, non-American-born citizens, people with disabilities, etc.
Nice try.
Not really, or was that sarcasm?

MAGATs do not know history. That's why they keep up their worn-out erroneous insistence that (D)s are racist because the southern Democrats of a century or more ago were. Remember when southern states actually had (D) governors like George Wallace? They don't any more. When LBJ signed the civil rights act of 1964 into law, they abandoned the (D) party en masse and clung to the Republican party, where they found open arms and where they are today. I hope someone reads this reply to @Libhater