blatant display of cowardice and shame

Naw, I just find you unpleasant. Not enough to ignore, but enough so that I don't want you in some of the threads I start.'s a damn shame he can't find it in himself to simply be courteous to others.

He makes a decent point from time to time...he's just such a douchenozzle the rest of the time.
you hate men, you hate conservatives and libertarians, and you hate white gun owners, and I am the asshole? you are truly a delusional moron.

Whether Darla is or is not every single one of the things you listed does not preclude you from being the asshole she described.
is starting a thread about the liberals most hated state, Texas, and then banning people from Texas from the thread.

excellent display of craptastic cowardice, tekkychik

Perhaps tekky appreciates quality replies from non-dishonorably discharged veterans who aren't clinically insane?
yeah, I get that alot. why can't you people handle truth? it's like the plague to y'all.

yeah don't they know robmoney won the election by 5 points and that Obama was impeached for not being an American or fast and furious or the IRS crap or that Sadam had yellowcake and dick cheney is a saint?