exactly... they are not allowed
Actually, you did say something about people filing a suit. You may not have meant to, but you did. You asked "Do we allow people to sue . . . " A separate question is whether the claims are meritorious. We allow people to sue GM and Coors and whoever and have their claims resolved on the merits. Not so for gun manufacturers.
LOL... ok Mr. Semantics... I meant do we allow such cases into the system... do they get in front of a judge and/or jury? NO.
We also do not allow people to sue GM and Coors because of the actions people took while using their products. They sue GM and Coors for defective products. Not defective people.
$2.5 million is not nuisance value. I agree that it's much easier to get your friends in Congress to grant you immunity than it is to win on the merits of a lawsuit, but let's not pretend that the defendants paid out $2.5 million without any fear that they might lose.
I did not say it was a nuisance value. I stated the $550k was. The other $2mm was from the gun store. A store that surveillance showed lost the damn gun the sniper used. That is negligence.
I'd take you slightly more seriously if you just admitted the basic fact that guns are designed to be efficient killing machines. That's what they are. Yes, you can use them to do other things (like shooting at inanimte objects (that often are facsimiles of animate objects -- like people)) but killing is what they are designed to do.
I would take you more seriously if you showed that you understood guns at even the most basic of levels. You clearly do not. You continue spouting the nonsense your gun grabbing masters have told you to parrot.
Oh, I'm aware of this. I just wasn't sure that you were since you said that guns aren't designed to kill innocent people as though gun manufacturers designe the firearms to discriminate amongst the innocent and guilty.
No, you clearly are not aware of it. Hence your nonsense. Guns were never designed to run around killing innocent people, that is not their intent. Just like autos are not designed to be driven by drunks. Yet innocent people die from the use of both in the inappropriate manner. A point you clearly do not understand.
Another smart take. I don't see how its "gun grabber" for someone to oppose gun manufacturers being granted special immunity from liability in civil lawsuits where plaintiffs might otherwise prevail on the merits of their claims. That strikes me as kinda fucked up and not really the way to get gun manufacturers to ensure that their products are as safe as possible.
There is no merit to the cases, yet lawyers and gun grabbers would have a field day taking these cases to court and preying off the gullible knee jerk reactionaries like yourself. Hence the law.
You idiots keep saying they need to make the guns as 'safe as possible'... yet they ARE safe. But nothing is idiot proof. No matter what scenario you use, there is someone out there that will use the gun in a drive by. There is someone that will ignore all the safety measures and leave a loaded weapon around a kid etc... etc...
But I would be curious... what is it that you think they can do to make them 'safer'??? What are your suggestions for the manufacturers?