Blinken: humanitarian intervention and American Exceptionalism at the barrel of a gun

we are still very much the number 1 hard military power, and still can lead Europe on true international crisis
China is filling in the less critical day to day relationships - which pay off (One Belt- One Road)

Are you paying attention? Europe has just told us to go to Hell, that it will not side with us in our struggle with China...we are all on our own against the Empire.

The West is dying.
you are a moron. a suck up. a loser. a fox viewer. a trump voter. even fat boy fake Christian Pompeo PUBLICLY WARNED RUSSIA ABOUT THESE BOUNTIES, and even if not proven conclusively, if Trump was not Putin's little bitch, he would have publicly questioned Putin about it, too. asshole.

Pompeo Warned Russia Against Bounties on U.S. Troops in › World › Asia Pacific
Aug 8, 2020 — The American officials who spoke about Mr. Pompeo's call did so on the ... But unlike Mr. Trump, he has publicly condemned some of Russia's ...
you're cute when you get angry..

Pompeo makes Blinken look like a pacifist. he was willing to put a major part of the US /Sino relationship on the chopping block of humanitarianism towards the Uighurs
The only good part of Trump being gone is Pompeo belligerence is gone with him
His true identity is head of the CIA.

as to Russian Bounties - "ees bullsheet" as my Russian neighbor is wont to say
Are you paying attention? Europe has just told us to go to Hell, that it will not side with us in our struggle with China...we are all on our own against the Empire.

The West is dying.
cite your stuff.
I am aware of a recent article, but not the particulars and refuse to do the google for others too lazy
my reaction is China is a master of divide and conquer - why some united trading block against China is a fantasy
( or the even more shitty TPP)
cite your stuff.
I am aware of a recent article, but not the particulars and refuse to do the google for others too lazy
my reaction is China is a maser of divide and conquer ( why some united trading block against Chins is a fantasy
( or the even more shitty TPP)

No...go investigate.....and you dont have to thank me for my help.
The tragedy of America’s foreign policy establishment

And it is on his record where Blinken falls down.

Former secretary of defense Robert Gates, a man who served under both a Republican (George W. Bush) and Democratic President (Barack Obama), while liking Joe Biden personally, summed him up in his memoirs as a man “who has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Read more: Biden set to pick former US Fed chair Janet Yellen as his Treasury Secretary

Of course, for the latter portion of this time, Tony Blinken was sitting in the room, serving as the president-elect’s primary foreign policy adviser.

Biden and Blinken were catastrophically wrong about the Iraq War (as were fellow Wilsonian hawks Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, for that matter). They were wrong about the US remaining endlessly in Afghanistan. They were wrong about the Obama administration’s “reset” with Russia. They were wrong about the disastrous intervention in Libya, which left it a smoldering failed state.

They were wrong about China too, following the blob groupthink over the past two decades in seeing Beijing’s rise as fundamentally benign.

The one time Blinken has strayed from his boss, advocating US involvement in the Dantean hell that is Syria, he appeared eager to increase American intervention, seemingly having learnt nothing from Iraq. As Republican senator Josh Hawley of Missouri put it, Blinken “backed every endless war since the Iraq invasion”.

Accountability must matter to any great power — with successful statesmen being rewarded and failing ones sent out to pasture — if it is to remain a great power for long. To put it mildly, if an analyst wanted to join my political risk firm with Blinken’s record, I would send them expeditiously to the door.

What’s primarily wrong here is not the man himself; it is the unreconstructed wrongheaded philosophy of the American foreign policy establishment, a whole misguided way of looking at the world.
I heard someone else say that Blinken has been right about as often as Biden, which is pretty much never.
Tony Blinken was sitting in the room, serving as the president-elect’s primary foreign policy adviser.

Biden and Blinken were catastrophically wrong about the Iraq War (as were fellow Wilsonian hawks Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, for that matter).
They were wrong about the US remaining endlessly in Afghanistan.
They were wrong about the Obama administration’s “reset” with Russia. (no)
They were wrong about the disastrous intervention in Libya, which left it a smoldering failed state.

They were wrong about China too,
following the blob groupthink over the past two decades in seeing Beijing’s rise as fundamentally benign.

The one time Blinken has strayed from his boss, advocating US involvement in the Dantean hell that is Syria,
he appeared eager to increase American intervention, seemingly having learnt nothing from Iraq.
As Republican senator Josh Hawley of Missouri put it, Blinken “backed every endless war since the Iraq invasion”
2011, Trump massively supports a USA intervention in Libya

ah hem.. Libya 2011 war?? never heard of it :dunno:

Here is Trump supporting an U.S. intervention in Libya, and even going farther than Obama when he says we should send U.S. ground forces into Libya.
