good gawd what a load..nobody is denying there is CLIMATE CHANGE..just that the religious cult of "man made global warming" spewed by the the cult leader AL GORE the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and his their commie comrades in this administration global climate science community, is CRAPPOLA..and lets not forget the BILLIONS of dollars they are wanting to EXTORT from the American people to give for this religion..and the lefties want to accuse others of sucking off people TITS..LOL
Tell you what, cupcake....
I'll list all the reputable, internationally-recognized organizations with actual expertise in climate science who think there IS a very high probability that man is significantly changing the climate.....
And you give me YOUR list of
reputable and internationally-recognized scientific organizations that have expertise in climate science, and who agree with your position. I will check back, toodles.
U.S. National Academy of Sciences
U.S. National Aeronautical and Space Administration
American Geophysical Union
Royal Society of United Kingdom
National Science Academy of Japan
National Science Academy of German
National Science Academy of Canada
National Science Academy of Italy
National Science Academy of India
National Science Academy of China
National Science Academy of France
National Science Academy of Brazil
National Science Academy Australia,
National Science Academy Belgium,
National Science Academy, of the Caribbean, ,
National Science Academy Indonesia,
National Science Academy Ireland
National Science Academy Kenya,
National Science Academy Malaysia,
National Science Academy Mexico
National Science Academy of New Zealand
National Science Academy South Africa,
National Science Academy of Sweden,
Polish Academy of Sciences
American Meteorological Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Intergovernmnetal Panel on Climate Change
World Meteorological Organization
European Academy of Sciences
International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Science
European Science Foundation
European Geosciences Union
Geological Society of America
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
Royal Meteorological Society (UK)