Probably over 80% of Blacks killed each year are by other Blacks, Police included.

Therefore Police are the problem.

Sounds like thug logic.[/QUOTE

whites should be more afraid of other whites than they are of people of color ..

Sure mr. thuglife

But there is good news :)
Black Lives Matter organizer stands by group's chant to cook police officers like 'pigs in a blanket' and 'fry 'em like bacon'

Black Lives Matter had Saturday march at Minnesota State Fair in St. Paul
Chant was viewed by some law enforcement members as targeting police
St. Paul Police Federation President Dave Titus called the chant disgusting
BLM St. Paul organizer Rashad Turner said it was not advocating violence and the focus on 30-second chant is a way to distract from peaceful protest
Protest came hours after Houston officer Darren Goforth was gunned down
Well, at least that makes sense. Is it because she's blind drunk most of the time or is it some sort of racial thing?
Well...back in the heyday of Obama, many were convinced that she and other prolific posters were getting paid to post. That's actually a thing.
There was an infamous internet troll who has recently passed. He was world renowned, having accumulated tens of thousands of post/year. We were convinced that he was getting paid. If you retired for the evening, a thread you were in the night before would have grown 20 or 30 pages while you slept if Environmentman was participating. Eman for short.
He was a kind person, albeit an attention whore. You can search him on Youtube. One of my favorites is a video he posted from a restaurant he visited during one of his trips to China. The waitresses were fascinated by his gluttony.

His moniker came from his actual lobbying on enviro issues.

Check him out when you get the time. It's guaranteed to give you a chuckle.

Re. LIG, almost every political board would have her as a member. I'm guessing Twitter made it less likely that message board rhetoric was a means to earn a few cents/post. Facebook as well.

I'm thinking that she just doesn't have the time these days. Even hookers don't like to give it up for free!
You should go talk to people who believe that fires as caused by Jewish funded laser beams from outer space. You seem to be of like mind. The police are not judge and jury, especially given that their ranks are populated by others just like you.

But there is good news.
You forgot the best part
about sums it up..
BLM is rolling in cash from guilt ridden suburban white women "white privilege" and such crappola
WTF do they do with all the money?? they spend it on politics!

They do NOTHING to uplift the black community, no funding for school, or job training -zilch
gawd forbid they would get a campaign going like "us killing us"

they are Marxists on top of it all!! fuck them, and the idiot crackers that support such junk
Blacks should demand more of a national organization

Better watch out dukkey outer space lasers are being calibrated right now by George Soros and a coalition of Blacks and Jews
Well...back in the heyday of Obama, many were convinced that she and other prolific posters were getting paid to post. That's actually a thing.
There was an infamous internet troll who has recently passed. He was world renowned, having accumulated tens of thousands of post/year. We were convinced that he was getting paid. If you retired for the evening, a thread you were in the night before would have grown 20 or 30 pages while you slept if Environmentman was participating. Eman for short.
He was a kind person, albeit an attention whore. You can search him on Youtube. One of my favorites is a video he posted from a restaurant he visited during one of his trips to China. The waitresses were fascinated by his gluttony.

His moniker came from his actual lobbying on enviro issues.

Check him out when you get the time. It's guaranteed to give you a chuckle.

Re. LIG, almost every political board would have her as a member. I'm guessing Twitter made it less likely that message board rhetoric was a means to earn a few cents/post. Facebook as well.

I'm thinking that she just doesn't have the time these days. Even hookers don't like to give it up for free!

No doubt everything you posted is correct, but I don't recall the username. I do believe that political groups and politicians make use of "true believers" AKA useful idiots AKA those who drink the Kool-Aid meaning they run primarily on emotion with very few facts.

An well run intelligence operation doesn't put their own personnel at risk. Those personnel simply recruit people to do their work. Consider the cost of setting political forum and running it. In the terms we are talking, it's negligible. Why pay some asshole $15K a year to post when all it takes is a few thousand dollars to set up a political forum, staff it with a few interns and try to grow it while constantly inserting your message?

Additionally, it's a tossup whether it's best to go the direct approach of having a forum named "Right Wing Nut Jobs R' Us" or to go covert and have "Left Wing Loonies R' Us" while trying to gradually turn Lefties and recruiting RW trolls. Either way, there are cheaper ways to run an op than paying someone to post messages.

Agreed about hookers!! :thup:

Goes for single moms as well.
Okay Donald.

Lol at you. Declaring that everyone knows something does not make it true. How you feeling about those capitol rioters? Big thumbs up from you?
Ironically, BLM (who I criticize regularly) never praised the violence and looting. Contrast that with the MAGA crowd re the Jan 6 insurrection.

trump included.
Blacks mostly kill Blacks & Whites mostly kill Whites because we're still a largely self segregated society.

Only NOW does that make its way into your argument .. after I posted this truth. Blacks kill more black people, whites kill more white people, Hispanics kill more Hispanic people. Is that because of race, or is it because of the widespread availability of GUNS?
Yeah, a few fruitcakes who tried to kill the VP of their own fruitcake party because he wouldn't overturn the will of the America people and keep your #MalignantMango on the throne. Trump supporters per se are not terrorists, but certainly the thousands of insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol are.

#Whataboutism for the win. lol
You open an interesting dialogue. Consider the impetus for BLM, vs that of the insurrection.
Ironically, BLM (who I criticize regularly) never praised the violence and looting. Contrast that with the MAGA crowd re the Jan 6 insurrection.

trump included.

Agreed. However, there is a difference between advocating, condoning and opposing. A common criticism of BLM, which remains to be thoroughly explored IMO, is that they didn't oppose the looting and burning enough, especially from within their own ranks. It's commonly posted that they capitalized on the criminal element even though they didn't officially advocate it.

Compare this to Trump's lameass approach to stopping the bullshit since November 3rd. He openly advocated the lies and condoned the violence. After the Capitol attack, he was also criticized for not opposing it strong enough. Obviously there's the difference between a loose group of American citizens and Trump was fucking POTUS. My point is both agreeing that it's a matter of degree and also that it works equally both ways and with both good and bad.

All that said, BLM is STATE and CITY. Trump is FEDERAL. That's a yuuuuuge fuckin' difference of which every American (the foreigners can go fuck themselves) has not only a right but a civic duty to speak up about.
Only NOW does that make its way into your argument .. after I posted this truth. Blacks kill more black people, whites kill more white people, Hispanics kill more Hispanic people. Is that because of race, or is it because of the widespread availability of GUNS?

Most criminals stay in their own neighborhoods. Even serial killers get tracked down by nearness. You can divide the crime rates up by poor, rich and middle class and see who commits crimes. Blacks and poor whites rob and steal to survive. They sell drugs because it is a neighborhood business.
The wealthy probably commit a lot of crimes you do not hear about, but they steal billions. They don't have to kill you to take your home.
LOL...the 'everybody gets a trophy' category.

Or the 'I always wanted one of these' category.

Exactly. Maybe they could have a special trophy made, that looks like a funeral urn. That would be most appropriate. They could mark on it the number of dead from COVID under his watch.