Agreed. However, there is a difference between advocating, condoning and opposing. A common criticism of BLM, which remains to be thoroughly explored IMO, is that they didn't oppose the looting and burning enough, especially from within their own ranks. It's commonly posted that they capitalized on the criminal element even though they didn't officially advocate it.

Compare this to Trump's lameass approach to stopping the bullshit since November 3rd. He openly advocated the lies and condoned the violence. After the Capitol attack, he was also criticized for not opposing it strong enough. Obviously there's the difference between a loose group of American citizens and Trump was fucking POTUS. My point is both agreeing that it's a matter of degree and also that it works equally both ways and with both good and bad.

All that said, BLM is STATE and CITY. Trump is FEDERAL. That's a yuuuuuge fuckin' difference of which every American (the foreigners can go fuck themselves) has not only a right but a civic duty to speak up about.
The insurrection actually made the BLM point in spades. Contrast the police reaction to MAGA, vs a peaceful protest by BLM months earlier. BLM born out of the heinous treatment of unarmed black kids/adults by police. The Insurrection born out of trump's carefully crafted pre planned attempt to deny a free and fair election. Starting in the summer when he sabotaged the USPS while simultaneously claiming that mail ballots are fraudulent.

One side simply demanding justice, while the other is denying justice to more than half of the nation as they elect a leader.
why would a black person vote for her?

She was trying to make things better for her district perhaps?

You do realize Reps' job is to represent their district, no?

I'm sure you don't often see them do that, because most do not.

Most just take bribes from corporations and fuck over those that elected them.

It's pretty fucked up, and it only became that way since Carter and Reagan.

Carter fought them voting themselves the keys to the country, and then they overrode his veto.

Reagan's 2nd Congress finished off any hope of a modicum of representation citizens might ever get out of Congress.

What they did was downright traitorous. That was over 30 years ago.

I bet Biden voted for that shit, though.
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The insurrection actually made the BLM point in spades. Contrast the police reaction to MAGA, vs a peaceful protest by BLM months earlier. BLM born out of the heinous treatment of unarmed black kids/adults by police. The Insurrection born out of trump's carefully crafted pre planned attempt to deny a free and fair election. Starting in the summer when he sabotaged the USPS while simultaneously claiming that mail ballots are fraudulent.

One side simply demanding justice, while the other is denying justice to more than half of the nation as they elect a leader.

I understand the problems (i.e. racism) cross city, state and federal lines. Liberals are notorious for wanting the Feds to mandate/control everything. In the past, Conservatives defended State's Rights but now, under Trump, they've gone full authoritarianism. They are not the conservatives Reagan or Goldwater would recognize as being members of the Grand Old Party.

Unlike them, I continue to support resolving civil issues at the lowest level of government possible under our laws.
why would a black person vote for her?
if you are serious - reform.
The 7th is one of the most trashy , rodent ridden , non opportunity district.
It's also the most powerful black Congressional district in Balto (leadership) and they dont do a damn thing
to help their constituents.

watch the video -you see her platform -she wants to tackle chronic urban problems