Agreed. However, there is a difference between advocating, condoning and opposing. A common criticism of BLM, which remains to be thoroughly explored IMO, is that they didn't oppose the looting and burning enough, especially from within their own ranks. It's commonly posted that they capitalized on the criminal element even though they didn't officially advocate it.
Compare this to Trump's lameass approach to stopping the bullshit since November 3rd. He openly advocated the lies and condoned the violence. After the Capitol attack, he was also criticized for not opposing it strong enough. Obviously there's the difference between a loose group of American citizens and Trump was fucking POTUS. My point is both agreeing that it's a matter of degree and also that it works equally both ways and with both good and bad.
All that said, BLM is STATE and CITY. Trump is FEDERAL. That's a yuuuuuge fuckin' difference of which every American (the foreigners can go fuck themselves) has not only a right but a civic duty to speak up about.