
"Peace" prize... Yea, sure...

Isn’t that an insurrection?
Dude, you've been around here awhile. Remember that guy who was here a few years ago who claimed he was a Marine vet and a Navy helo pilot who was also a libertarian jackass? What was that guys name? It was Max something-or-other wasn't it? I'm having flashbacks.

wasn't that Legion?.....
The Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize for the way its call for systemic change has spread around the world.

In his nomination papers, the Norwegian MP Petter Eide said the movement had forced countries outside the US to grapple with racism within their own societies.

“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality,” Eide said. “Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice.

“They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.”

oops there goes Donnie's peace prize!
This is going to trigger Trumpublicans.
Billy is hilarious. Detroit is a weird place man. You have to go out of your way to get up here so we have been able to develop without the rest of the country trying to be helpful.

he hasn't been around lately.......hope he hasn't killed himself......
"Nominations for the Nobel peace prize are accepted from any politician serving at a national level, and they are allowed just 2,000 words to state their case."

Anyone or group can be nominated. Ted Cruz can nominate the KKK or Boogaloo Bois.

It would have been interesting to read Barack Obama's Nobel nomination "speil". As I recall. he was basically awarded the NPP for the remarkable achievement of having Black skin. That, and maybe for being a trained Alinskyite communist, as well ?

Yassar Arafat's nomination for the NPP he was awarded must have been another "work of art". Something like this, perhaps...

I, "Carlos, the Jackal," hereby nominate Yassar Arafat for the Nobel Peace Prize, because he is a great man of peace ! He is a not a vicious, psychopathic, murdering, terrorist cunt - that's just nasty gossip, honestly.

With kindest regards


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if you are stupid enough to believe that, don't nominate him for the peace prize........

If you are stupid enough to believe Trump wasn't already nominated and if you are really fucking stupid enough to believe Trump didn't gather, rile up and send to the Capitol thousands of MAGA terrorists, then you must be a faux Christian Republicunt. Here's your sign:

thanks for confirming that you are in fact stupid enough.......however, it wasn't actually necessary.......none of us had doubts......

That you are fucking stupid enough to believe Trump could overthrow the US government? I always believed you were stupid enough to believe that. You're a liar posing as a Christian just like Trump.


"Look, Mother! I'm quitting, dammit!!"

I quit when I turned 50. Hardest thing I ever did...and it was my third major attempt.
They prob. didn't have vape pens back then. Although...that's a good thing.

My GF quit for the last time about 7 years ago. She's now addicted to the gum, and refuses to accept that she doesn't need it.

When we were younger, I would demand that she go buy a pack of cigarettes after she quit for about a week. She was unbearable!
They prob. didn't have vape pens back then. Although...that's a good thing.

My GF quit for the last time about 7 years ago. She's now addicted to the gum, and refuses to accept that she doesn't need it.

When we were younger, I would demand that she go buy a pack of cigarettes after she quit for about a week. She was unbearable!

It was 15 years ago. I did try the gum and patches. What was that joke about wearing patches like a belt around the belly? Cold turkey and a smokeless vacation did it for me. After 72 hours the nicotine addiction is broken. It's all psychological after that.