Bloomberg's criminal support of the Democrat party

Pretty close to 100% of the righties on this forum are dumbasses. I have signatures turned off so that I don’t have to see that additional bullshit.

Given that they religiously defend tRUMPS pathological lying-while simultaneously forfeiting any credibility that they might have had-they are obviously not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
The phonies that tickle me the most are the ones that post the obscene posts, and then have biblical quotes in their signature lines....)
Jews and Hypocrites of whatever political party will burn in Hell, if Hell is a thing.

Damn. You just condemned the entire tRUMP and Kushner family. As well as 99.99% of phony Conservatives. I hope there is enough room left for you and me......)
ah yes, "realpolitik", a political ideology devoid of all ideals. congratulations,

I realize that you are not very bright, but at some point it should become obvious even to a "sheep" like yourself, that I could care less what you think. You are simply a brainwashed blabbering idiot in my book.

because you're an idiot globalist traitor with no actual arguments behind your stupid ideas. all you can do insult, captain bag of dicks.
Better a monkey-boy than a trumpasslicking sheep.

Btw, you have no arguements chief. You Google and then plagiarize some obscure and incoherent psychobabble nonsense. You are a global marketing hipocrit who has been "outed". My guess is that you even have a Sam's Card.

no. I keep laying rational anti globalist arguments on you and you respond with insults, because you're a brainwashed globalist traitorous swamp creature.
Tacomaman said:
Not at all. You are just a trolling hipocrit phony and fraud. Not worth any more effort than you are currently getting. Troll on trumpanzee.

you're a fraud, and an idiot.
Tacomamoron, people are saying you're a you're a fraud, and an idiot. I have no idea why your mom would start such a thing.

Why are you claiming Trump supporters are moronic ^%#%*?

Now see, you had to go the tRUMP "low class" route with family insults and racial comments. And you wonder why people call you tRUMP Nazis Deplorable....smh......(
you've never proffered one argument on an issue.

I made one legit attempt with you. You didn't like my point and responded with an insult. That's it.
Now, you can troll on or we can continue to waste bandwidth with continuous insults. It really makes me no difference either way.