Bloombergs gonna run folks. how does that change things

socretes your a lardass and couldn't attract anything near model like. Nice compensating though. Why don't they pay fat asses like you to sell shit on commercials.
They do! Hemoroid cream, and healthy meals at Subway and all kinds of shit. Speaking of which, I hear that your physical appearance actually got you a commercial gig. You are going to be the before guy in the Enzyte commercial.
JLH is no size 2.

What do you mean? Fatter or thinner?

She said she was size 3 on the interview afterward that basically said, "I like how I look, regardless of pictures taken from bad angles!"
She said she was size 3 on the interview afterward that basically said, "I like how I look, regardless of pictures taken from bad angles!"

And that's what's important. But she's lying about the size 3 thing too. Although I like her.
She is fricking hot whatever size she wears.

She should stop swearing she's any size and just make her movies and let the papo act like the assholes they are.

I think the PM of the Ukraine looks better anyway.
She isn't lying...........

And that's what's important. But she's lying about the size 3 thing too. Although I like her.

If she shops at up-scale stores the she would probably be a 3...if down scale stores for the po' wal-mart etc...probably a is all irrelevant as to what size one claims to be...the truth in the proverbial pudding is how one looks dressed skimpy!:D
Bloombergs gonna run folks. how does that change things

Forbes expects third-party bid by Bloomberg

"I think it would be highly unlikely that he wouldn't run," former Republican presidential candidate and media magnate Steve Forbes said today of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.


Sad news out of New York.

Mayor Bloomberg announces in NY Times that he won't be running for spite of the groundswell of support (cough, cough) from his 11,700 supporters nationwide
