DEMOCRATS think "equality" means equality of outcomes.

I know. But equality of outcome is EQUITY, and equity is a fundamental, socialist/communist shibboleth. Equity is anti-human/anti-life; the last thing people in any society want is a government that forces them to all end up at the same place in life. In any case, achieving universal equity in any society is technically impossible. When you trying to realise it via state coersion, people ultimately die on a massive scale: by starvation or sickness, by execution, through torture, in prison, etc. Those people who don't physically die are immiserated to the point that they they might as well dead, because their lives have lost all genuine meaning. It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT FAIL.

Right, even a demagogue addict couldn’t regurgitate that much talk radio rhetoric at one time, the give away is the disjointed paragraphs, one a sentence long and the next a run on sentence dissertation, no one writes like that, especially on a Internet forum

Can you prove your claim, Anchovies?

Of course, I'll understand if you can't, naturally.

Just because you can't do something, that doesn't mean others cannot, Anchovies.

Poor Anchovies.
I know. But equality of outcome is EQUITY, and equity is a fundamental, socialist/communist shibboleth. Equity is anti-human/anti-life; the last thing people in any society want is a government that forces them to all end up at the same place in life. In any case, achieving universal equity in any society is technically impossible. When you trying to realise it via state coersion, people ultimately die on a massive scale: by starvation or sickness, by execution, through torture, in prison, etc. Those people who don't physically die are immiserated to the point that they they might as well dead, because their lives have lost all genuine meaning. It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT FAIL.

Indeed, Dachshund.
A bullet in the head after he and some other thugs robbed a woman while he held a gun to the pregnant ladies stomach would have sufficed! As it would for all the treasonous who vote for liberal politicians! Especially those on here, who are paid to project the lies, and narratives that liberals care about America!
Exactly .. 100% spot on. I find lying psychotic leftie marxist dems evil among us. They simply do not give a damn.
Who in the hell is going to read all that sh*t,
especially when the source it was copied and pasted off of is missing
Makes no difference.
Get real, if you can’t summarize it in one or two paragraphs it ain’t worth the time, only shows you don’t even understand what you posted
Brevity is nice, but you have to have an argument first. You have none. You are just whining.
Bullshit, so you are telling us you authored the whole thing? Right
That's exactly what he telling you. I believe him. It's an original set of arguments. It is philosophy, and well argued.
And the idea is to summarize it into a paragraph or two and then leave a citation for the reader to dig deeper if they want, no one is plugging thru a collection of dangling participles extending endlessly
WRONG. Now it is YOU justifying cut and pasting and the Holy Link. That is not philosophy. That is stealing someone else's argument and using it as your own. It is not even thinking. It is mindless.
Claiming the inequality should be maintained to keep the peace is stupid. Really stupid.
WRONG. To achieve 'equity', you must STEAL from people. That is theft. Socialism is theft of wealth.
Dachsy is that. I guess a cop sitting on a person's neck for almost 9 minutes had absolutely nothing to do with his death.
it didn't. Floyd died of a drug overdose.
Damh this guy us so far right that Hannity looks liberal next to him.
A nice complement. I hope he appreciates you admiration of him.
A bullet in the head after he and some other thugs robbed a woman while he held a gun to the pregnant ladies stomach would have sufficed! As it would for all the treasonous who vote for liberal politicians! Especially those on here, who are paid to project the lies, and narratives that liberals care about America!

He should have hanged years ago!
No, just the opportunity to compete fairly for outcomes

There are two kinds of "equality" in the context we are discussing.

The first is TRUE equality. True equality refers to "Equality of Opportunity". Full stop.

The second is EQUITY which is not true equality. Equity means "Equality of Outcome", equity is where everyone ends up ot the SAME PLACE/ achieves the SAME RESULT. For example, the same place in terms of their income, the same place in terms of their material wealth, the same place in terms of their social status. Achieving equity means that some people must be treated UNEQUALLY ( which is, BTW, unfair as it requires discrimination). What I mean is that to achieve, say, financial equity, money will need to be redistributed; it will need to forcibly taken from, let's say, those people in society who are relatively wealthy and then given to those who are relatively poor, until all of the idividuals inboth groups end up at the SAME LEVEL in terms of how much money they possess.

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Oh, so white guilt, got it!

Tell us Archives, are you a WHITE (European) American ?

I'd bet money on it, but I might be wrong.

So I'd be very interested if you could tell me, so I know whether or not my powers of deduction are still in good form.
