Blscks lowwer Iq and higher incarceration


Verified User

Then you have the crime issue 34 percent of inmates are black yet they make up about 13 to 14 percent of the population

Id this all due to genetics, cultural , upbringing , lack of 2 parents , drug use ,the thug life that dominates young blacks .
There has to be a reason and in orderr to solve the issue we need t talk about it in a responsible manor.

Problems are not solved by being stupid and not talking about them , morons who ignore this are guilty helping keep black people down.

Then you have the crime issue 34 percent of inmates are black yet they make up about 13 to 14 percent of the population

Id this all due to genetics, cultural , upbringing , lack of 2 parents , drug use ,the thug life that dominates young blacks .
There has to be a reason and in orderr to solve the issue we need t talk about it in a responsible manor.

Problems are not solved by being stupid and not talking about them , morons who ignore this are guilty helping keep black people down.

^The dumbest person on the forum talking about intelligence.
^The dumbest person on the forum talking about intelligence.

And after he was slapped down already for this thread, he is posting again. Bullet Bob is THE dumbest poster I have ever encountered, anywhere. And scumbag and a racist to boot.

Then you have the crime issue 34 percent of inmates are black yet they make up about 13 to 14 percent of the population

Id this all due to genetics, cultural , upbringing , lack of 2 parents , drug use ,the thug life that dominates young blacks .
There has to be a reason and in orderr to solve the issue we need t talk about it in a responsible manor.

Problems are not solved by being stupid and not talking about them , morons who ignore this are guilty helping keep black people down.

this explains why they get shot all the time, it isn't that they fail to follow directions, they are incapable maybe?
Yes, check off every box.

Yes and the post stands . The fact is moron like you lefty and concart are morons and dont see the problem or the fact it needs adressed.

To many young blacks are failing in schools and ending up in jails. Of you fucking idiots want it to stay that way fine pick on me like dummies.
But the problem wont go away.
You can be part of the solution or part of the problem.
Yes and the post stands . The fact is moron like you lefty and concart are morons and dont see the problem or the fact it needs adressed.

To many young blacks are failing in schools and ending up in jails. Of you fucking idiots want it to stay that way fine pick on me like dummies.
But the problem wont go away.
You can be part of the solution or part of the problem.

Please stop proving you are very ignorant.
this explains why they get shot all the time, it isn't that they fail to follow directions, they are incapable maybe?

I dont know why some people cant follow the polices directives.
I have been pulled over in ohio at least 4 times. Wva probaly 5 times california 1 time florida 1 and maryland Pennsylvania and Arizona and georgia 1 time.
The stop in baltimore was the only one that was bad and pissed me off.
Thread: Blscks lowwer Iq and higher incarceration

Id this all due to genetics, cultural , upbringing , lack of 2 parents , drug use ,the thug life that dominates young blacks .
There has to be a reason and in orderr to solve the issue we need t talk about it in a responsible manor.

Problems are not solved by being stupid and not talking about them , morons who ignore this are guilty helping keep black people down.

this proves this poster is some bored old clown who gets off on pretending to be the dumbest redneck in America trying to accuse others of being stupid. nobody can spell simple words so obviously wrong unless they are trying.
this proves this poster is some bored old clown who gets off on pretending to be the dumbest redneck in America trying to accuse others of being stupid. nobody can spell simple words so obviously wrong unless they are trying.

Agree. Seems like a bored liberal doing parody. "Me right winger. Me no likum dah nigggoes."
I dont know why some people cant follow the polices directives.
I have been pulled over in ohio at least 4 times. Wva probaly 5 times california 1 time florida 1 and maryland Pennsylvania and Arizona and georgia 1 time.
The stop in baltimore was the only one that was bad and pissed me off.

My point is except for one traffic stop I was alway treated fairly . Regardless of the state except maryland.
I will share that stop. I got off work at 5 pm went home cleaned up loaded up and headed for baltimore. A cousin 9f mine got tickets to the ravens first exhibition game in the new stadium.
He know Id want to go as I like them and a mutual friend also liked them.
I stoped in south baltimore and picked up by buddy and we went to find my cousins house he had moved . now granted its late almost midnight.
My cousin and his mom had moved and I was a bit lost . I noticed a car following me and could see it was the pd. Well I wasnt shocked to get pulled over . I was driving a town car and my buddy was white about 6.3 tall and younger then me by 15 years.
Well he did and all of a sudden there were 3 loads of cops. They asked me what o was doing there and I told them. He insisted we were there to buy crack or sell guns and had no business in a black hood this late .
He was being a real asshole wanted to search my car etc.
Well My cousin was looking for us and saw the stop fr9m his home.
He walked down and when I saw him I yelled officer thats my cousin ask him why were here.
Well he did the cop never said he was sorry he just left. When I told my cousin about the stop he told me no one sells crack in the hood. Maybe weed but not crack.
Any way we went back to my buddys place had a few drinks and played cards and watched the expo game the next day. We had a great weekend.
All the rest of the stops Were done right the cops were nice professional .

Then you have the crime issue 34 percent of inmates are black yet they make up about 13 to 14 percent of the population

Id this all due to genetics, cultural , upbringing , lack of 2 parents , drug use ,the thug life that dominates young blacks .
There has to be a reason and in orderr to solve the issue we need t talk about it in a responsible manor.

Problems are not solved by being stupid and not talking about them , morons who ignore this are guilty helping keep black people down.

Pro tip - if you're going to accuse others of being dumb, learn how to spell.
Thread: Blscks lowwer Iq and higher incarceration

this proves this poster is some bored old clown who gets off on pretending to be the dumbest redneck in America trying to accuse others of being stupid. nobody can spell simple words so obviously wrong unless they are trying.

sorry if you dont like science and stats except the ones you like. Your just proving how fucking stupid you are by ingnoring the issue Its not made up.
Its a problem in the black community and its not going away by its self. You and bidenpresident can stick your heads up your ass and click your heels together but the problem will still be there. A real man would talk about it and offer opnions and solutions something neither of you are capable of.
Now here is a article that to me explains a lot of the problem and I think its very valid and should be addressed especially with so many in the school system who id as liberals .

It explains a lot of peoples view of themselves , if your ignored and told your stupid or dont get the proper help from educators it indeed can put young people on the wrong path and into crime or even affect their future employment.

When your told your dumb by adults in school pretty soon you see that in yourself
this explains why they get shot all the time, it isn't that they fail to follow directions, they are incapable maybe?

here is a fine example of why people get shot by the police , this guy killed himself from stupidity and being a criminal thug . I would guess his iq is low
this explains why they get shot all the time, it isn't that they fail to follow directions, they are incapable maybe?

Thankfully you are part of the dying demographic of subhuman white christ stain filth

May you live to see your spawn and grand spawn buried, and may its come sooner than later