Board Idea?


New member
Damocles, I am going to be away for the weekend, unlike most of the lefty fools you have posting here, with a chic, not quite a Gennifer Flowers caliber, butt, better than TopSpin's girl The Hillary? You would probably not throw her out of bed for eating crackers, put it that way? At any rate, RJS would like you to think about making him a featured blogger, my mensa skills are being underutilized here? After all, what would this board be without me, you would have many less readers, you do not think that people are signing in to read the drooling meanderings of the Diaper Don, or the lefty fool Battleborne, do you? You could institute some kind of "I'm a fan" button, next to everybody's screename, and in this way, with all of the lefty chics voting for me, of course, I will caterpuilt to the forefront, into the top spot? Think about it, thank you.
Umm I think if you pay Damo money he will put you in a banner at the top of the page ? Too cheap, well you could afford a good looker like spinners gal Hillary if you weren't so cheap.
Umm I think if you pay Damo money he will put you in a banner at the top of the page ? Too cheap, well you could afford a good looker like spinners gal Hillary if you weren't so cheap.

Butt, why should I pay him, when he should be paying me to post here? The least he could do is put me in a featured spot, not in with the lefty riff-raff?
Butt, why should I pay him, when he should be paying me to post here? The least he could do is put me in a featured spot, not in with the lefty riff-raff?

You should feel grateful that we let your scruffy butt hang around here.
Please send money to keep us tolerant :clink:

Damocles, I am going to be away for the weekend, unlike most of the lefty fools you have posting here, with a chic, not quite a Gennifer Flowers caliber, butt, better than TopSpin's girl The Hillary? You would probably not throw her out of bed for eating crackers, put it that way? At any rate, RJS would like you to think about making him a featured blogger, my mensa skills are being underutilized here? After all, what would this board be without me, you would have many less readers, you do not think that people are signing in to read the drooling meanderings of the Diaper Don, or the lefty fool Battleborne, do you? You could institute some kind of "I'm a fan" button, next to everybody's screename, and in this way, with all of the lefty chics voting for me, of course, I will caterpuilt to the forefront, into the top spot? Think about it, thank you.

You my friend(used loosley) are suffering from narcosis with a Napoleon complex and severe help...maybe Rush can give you some advice...I think if he came into this board he would be embarrassed by your linking him to you...:nono:
You my friend(used loosley) are suffering from narcosis with a Napoleon complex and severe help...maybe Rush can give you some advice...I think if he came into this board he would be embarrassed by your linking him to you...:nono:

Go get my herd AssHat, I got this lefty fool's goat LOL. Moore jealousy, will it never end, with your lack of gravitas I see you on the lowest tier of the posting hierarchy, the very bottom of the bottom? Sorry, touche.
Dang, even RJS gets it right sometimes ;)

btw BB where is that stuff to bak up your lies about me claiming my disability to be NAM or worlk related ?

You are still under double dog dare girly man.
There is none...

Dang, even RJS gets it right sometimes ;)

btw BB where is that stuff to bak up your lies about me claiming my disability to be NAM or worlk related ?

You are still under double dog dare girly man.

I never said is your problem..way too many pain killers? I said my pain was from a work related accident workers comp...and I had a 20% VA disability pension...are you drunk(stolen from the lib play list!)
Jealous of what??????????

Go get my herd AssHat, I got this lefty fool's goat LOL. Moore jealousy, will it never end, with your lack of gravitas I see you on the lowest tier of the posting hierarchy, the very bottom of the bottom? Sorry, touche.

Your narcisstic fantasies?:rolleyes:
Damocles, I am going to be away for the weekend, unlike most of the lefty fools you have posting here, with a chic, not quite a Gennifer Flowers caliber, butt, better than TopSpin's girl The Hillary? You would probably not throw her out of bed for eating crackers, put it that way? At any rate, RJS would like you to think about making him a featured blogger, my mensa skills are being underutilized here? After all, what would this board be without me, you would have many less readers, you do not think that people are signing in to read the drooling meanderings of the Diaper Don, or the lefty fool Battleborne, do you? You could institute some kind of "I'm a fan" button, next to everybody's screename, and in this way, with all of the lefty chics voting for me, of course, I will caterpuilt to the forefront, into the top spot? Think about it, thank you.

Congratulations on hooking up with a hot chick. Is it your first time? Just an experimentation? Deviating from all your time with little boytoys? :pke:
Congratulations on hooking up with a hot chick. Is it your first time? Just an experimentation? Deviating from all your time with little boytoys? :pke:

SuperFreak, you have been doing better, butt, now you are falling off of the wagon and your stock is falling, I was ready to take you out of the remainder bin, and give you your old spot as a midlister back, of course, you will never be a top-tier poster? Maybe you are hanging around the Diaper Don too much?
SuperFreak, you have been doing better, butt, now you are falling off of the wagon and your stock is falling, I was ready to take you out of the remainder bin, and give you your old spot as a midlister back, of course, you will never be a top-tier poster? Maybe you are hanging around the Diaper Don too much?

Damn... fallin on down the list yet again... whats a crazy cracker to do? po po white boy... always gettin picked on.

If you read and understood the comment in this thread I was referring to 'Sympathy' as for the VN comment...I was commenting on his previous comment...I did not say he was claiming disability from work or Nam...refer to the title!...Go away little are soo annoying!

"Then it wasn't work related...a error on your personal care...get real you are a druggie trying to get sympathy...and relating to Nam as the sad!"

Can't be read too many ways, nice try though, go have another beer.
"Then it wasn't work related...a error on your personal care...get real you are a druggie trying to get sympathy...and relating to Nam as the sad!"

Can't be read too many ways, nice try though, go have another beer.

You are so dense for a self proclaimed writer of ads!:rolleyes:
I never said is your problem..way too many pain killers? I said my pain was from a work related accident workers comp...and I had a 20% VA disability pension...are you drunk(stolen from the lib play list!)

and still you can paly on boats , 4 wheelers and fly ?