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and still you can paly on boats , 4 wheelers and fly ?

They do all the work...pain can be minimized using does not have to die and stop trying to have what little fun they can...grow up!:rolleyes:

addendum: as for the workers comp...they paid for major and lost wages...this was over four years ago...I was left with residual mylopathy and residual pain(nerve damage)...they did all they could and I do not receive disability payments from them! anymore stupid comments?
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Oh yeah baby...........

And you're an imbecilic, witless, beer-guzzling liar for a self-proclaimed fbi, cia, and intelligence agent.

two beers a day makes one a drunk... :rolleyes: and yes the rest is true except I never said I worked for the FBI or CIA...albeit I did work with these agencies as a Intel Ofcr with the Department of Treasury...USCS!

You are still a ditz!
They do all the work...pain can be minimized using does not have to die and stop trying to have what little fun they can...grow up!:rolleyes:

well if I did 4 wheelers I would be on a stretcher unable to move.
and it might well put me in a wheel chair.
So piss off big girly man.
Right...'Girly Man'.....

well if I did 4 wheelers I would be on a stretcher unable to move.
and it might well put me in a wheel chair.
So piss off big girly man.

Golly Gee...just a few weeks ago in another thread you were bragging about 'cutting down trees' on your property...make up your mind already...are you in a wheel chair for this one?:eek:
I can cut down a tree every now and then, takes some time, I cannot withstand the jarring of riding something rough,
I use a boom winch to move the wood.

'I made the mistake of doing the overhead hroizontal ladder thing at the playground with the Gc last year, 5 min and down for 6 weeks.
My point is you #10 you spoke of, I have never had anything above an 8 with my back, Kidney stones now that was a 10.
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