BOGUS Republican Argument


Junior Member
Republicans are TRYING TO SAY that Britain would not have caught their suspects if they had not used the ILLEGAL in the USA wiretapping that Bush is doing without Congress's approval in the NSA....

This is such utter BULLSHIT it is laughable! First off, if they had reasons to suspect these individuals...then the listening to suspected terrorists is allowed and possible...

which means in the usa, using a FISA warrant to do the listening.... that's all. period...

ITs dispicable how they use fear of and manipulation of terrorism for political advantage.
I have no problem with the wire-tapping. It is necessary.

The problem wasn't hte wire tapping itself. It was hte fact that Bush thinks its okay to excuse the feds from the proper checks and balances that our founding fathers believed in.
What about President John Adams supporting the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They weren't very popular and were repealed after a couple of years. When presidents get power hungary they should get kicked out on their a$$es as Adams did.
The problem wasn't hte wire tapping itself. It was hte fact that Bush thinks its okay to excuse the feds from the proper checks and balances that our founding fathers believed in.
That's a problem, certainly. And it's a bigger problem than any other.

OTOH, I think that those who believe it is necessary are themselves part of the problem.
I guess I am a man without a nation...sigh...
Or another way to put it.
None of the cyber nations are blessed by my presence :)
Considering it was old fashioned on the ground floor intelligence that cracked the case in Britain, and it was the same sort of thing that prevented the recent attacks in Toronto, I don't see any up to date evidence to suggest that our government needs more control over the average citizen or less Constitutional oversight in order to combat terrorism.
Care, I would like to know, how all you pinheads know for a fact, just exactly HOW this investigation was done? The details have not been made public, as far as I know. We are not being told a whole lot about "how" they did it, just that they did. Now, I admit, it sounds great for you to step up and proclaim something bogus and insist that you know how it all went down, but unless you have some source of inside information the rest of us don't have, you simply have no clue of what you're talking about.

This investigation went on for months, and being that the Brits have a much more intrusive policy regarding what they can and can't do in such investigations, it's doubtful they completely followed our Constitutional guidelines the whole way. It also seems ignorantly presumptive to conclude, when the investigation began, they had enough evidence to obtain a FISA warrant, (not that the Brits were so obligated) Yet, that is exactly what you seem to be claiming. Again, you have no information to make this conclusion, you just assume, since they turned out to be correct in their suspicions, and the suspicions ended up being valid, that they just always knew the whole time. You also presume, for some unknown reason, that US warrantless wiretaps are being routinely done when there is absolutely no suspicion, and that hasn't really happened either.
There's nothing illegal or unconstitutional about having an informant in Pakistan.

That's where we want the intelligence gathering to stay as much as possible, so we can keep at bay the bad guys out there and the bad guys in here who want to use terrorism as an excuse to trample all over the Constitution.

And when it comes over to intel gathering in a domestic situation, it should have full judicial oversight and follow due process. It's not that hard, and it doesn't slow them down. This is just a powergrab that began long before Bush, unfortunately, but now that it is highlighted, people should be taking a stand against it.

Our rights are not the problem.