BOGUS Republican Argument

I do not FEAR a terrorist attack.

I have lots more "fear" umm expectations really of dying in an auto accident.

You should fear both. Your refusal to apply the word fear to terrorism merely indicates the degree to which you're brainwashed yourself into being an anti-bushbot, which is a state of unthinking reactivity just as dangerous as bushbot-ism.
You should fear both. Your refusal to apply the word fear to terrorism merely indicates the degree to which you're brainwashed yourself into being an anti-bushbot, which is a state of unthinking reactivity just as dangerous as bushbot-ism.

Sorry WM your rhetoric does not work on me. I think for myself.
No. Honestly it doesn't depend on the chance of personal harm. A nation is a social construct in which we internalize the fears and victories of other individuals of the nation.

Fear of unwelcome outcomes does prompt people to think logically and practically to prevent such an occurence.
No fear prompts a much less thoughtful approach.
No. You don't. you buy into whatever rhetoric is popular and suddenly, terrorism is nothing to fear, because bush was "using fear".
Nonsense. No one is saying that terrorism is "nothing to fear," merely that fear of terrorism has been blown all out of proportion. Getting hit by lightning is definitely something to fear -- especially if you're a golfer -- but no one really ought to spend much time worrying about it, either.

Terrorism has become the new bogeyman, replacing that Evil Empire nonsense.
Actually, you're about twice as likely to die getting hit by lightining as you are to die in a terrorist attack.

We can't do much about lightning, but we can kill terrorists. Attention is best directed where efficacy is possible. Knowing where efficacy resides can be a great source of serenity.
We can't do much about lightning, but we can kill terrorists. Attention is best directed where efficacy is possible. Knowing where efficacy resides can be a great source of serenity.
Only to the goofy. :rolleyes:

Fact is, you're worrying your little head over some pretty silly things. Communists, terrorists: do you also check your closet each night to see if there are monsters hiding in there?
Only to the goofy. :rolleyes:

Fact is, you're worrying your little head over some pretty silly things. Communists, terrorists: do you also check your closet each night to see if there are monsters hiding in there?

Monsters are fairly innocuous relative to communists, terrorists, and globalist nihilist satan spawn like yourself.
the bad guys in here who want to use terrorism as an excuse to trample all over the Constitution.

In so much as the Patriot Act and NSA WWP are needed to enable government to fulfill it's first and foremost obligation to protect it's citizenry, how do you manage to find a "trampling of the Constitution" in what has been done? I hear people say this all the time, and I have not once heard of an instance where someone had their Constitutional rights trampled, only instances of the GOOD guys catching the BAD guys.

"Those who would give up essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither"

-Benjamin Franklin
The terror plot is irrelevent to the fact that the Patriot Act is an unamerican infringement of our constitutional rights. There is never any excuse for abrogatng our rights.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin


Great minds think alike, Zoom.