Goy, goyim, is not a racist term, it means gentile, non Jew.You nailed that one. Even the Jew author of this thread is anti white to the max. The Jew Guno referred to me as a Goyim, as we all should know is quite a
derogatory/racist term used against Whites. And now he's pretending to be this big supporter of the black race by going after The Right for they're attempt to
ban books that have sexually explicit material that young children should not be exposed to. The Leftist Jew Guno should study up on his aligning with
the Democrat Party that is home to the KKK who had nothing but hatred and hang nooses available to use on Jews and of course on blacks.
Those cross burning idiots are now Trumpublicans. They left the Democrats and became Republicans and eventually, Trumpublican.