Book ideas???

I currently have a couple of writing projects in the works, just some ideas I had always had and never got around to doing. One is about this man and his daughter who move to Florida to run an RV park, and the other is more of a sci-fi novel about humans making contact with another civilization, but the contact is made through 'spiritual' means, so it takes years for us to fully 'believe' we have made contact. This is my favorite of the two, because it is full of complications and illustrations of how society would cope with such a situation, how we would behave, our vulnerabilities, fears, etc. It's really a challenging project because it makes you really have to think. The RV Park book is more of a Hardy Boys style thing, mostly for early readers. It's funny and lighthearted, and fairly entertaining with some surprising twists. Then I have an ongoing 'shelf' project, which is mostly poems and short stories, anecdotes.. etc.

I am posting this thread to any aspiring writers or would-be writers, to discuss ideas you may have for books. Perhaps you've been published? Maybe you just have an idea for a book that you'll never write? Most of my stories are finished, as far as 'plot' goes, but even if you have a comment on those, I would love to hear it.
I actually recently published a novella, and have the next 3 in the series in the works. Part 2 is in the editing stage.

I also have a couple of idea for books I want to write, but I can't shift gears from a horror novella to a post-apocalyptic novel. So it sits in a file with notes added as I find them.
You know what I think would make an interesting Sci Fi story Dixie is to tell a story about another civilization making contact with human civilization but told from their point of view. Imagine how to another advanced civilization how bizare and incomprehensibles our behavior would be to them, particularly if you put a lot of detail into developing their culture in the story and view it from their perspective. You could derive a lot of interesting situations and humor from the misconceptions and misunderstandings that would ensue.
You know what I think would make an interesting Sci Fi story Dixie is to tell a story about another civilization making contact with human civilization but told from their point of view. Imagine how to another advanced civilization how bizare and incomprehensibles our behavior would be to them, particularly if you put a lot of detail into developing their culture in the story and view it from their perspective. You could derive a lot of interesting situations and humor from the misconceptions and misunderstandings that would ensue.

There is actually a lot of that in this book, it has some interesting 'moral' differences which cause a major rift, and challenge our own views. We think of the prospect of discovering another civilization, and how we might become diplomatic with each other, share technologies and art, perhaps? But this story deals with a much more psychological exploration, and the fact that 'spirituality' was the key to unlocking communication with them, is very compelling. In the story, they have actually unlocked an area beyond our physics, which comprises 'spirituality' or what we've always assumed was 'spirituality' ...that's where the rub lies. The "Holy Rollers" discovered ET... but they have a spiritual understanding that is unlike anything we have ever imagined, and it sets 'organized religion' on its ear. Our world becomes completely divided over the whole thing, many people denounce the contact and others believe it is an act of God... it's really deep. But... not to give away too many details, because I will want you to buy it on Amazon... Through their advanced understandings, they believe they have devised a way to visit our planet, and the story is based around that. We've made contact, we know a lot about them, and they are very different from us, and we don't know if we can trust them, and half our planet is revolting to keep them from coming.... it's pretty good stuff, if I do say so myself.
You know what I think would make an interesting Sci Fi story Dixie is to tell a story about another civilization making contact with human civilization but told from their point of view. Imagine how to another advanced civilization how bizare and incomprehensibles our behavior would be to them, particularly if you put a lot of detail into developing their culture in the story and view it from their perspective. You could derive a lot of interesting situations and humor from the misconceptions and misunderstandings that would ensue.

Read a short story once that had an advanced civilization studying the ruins of earth after a nuclear war. The were discussing what a strange culture it must have been and that it was amzing we had advanced to the level of technology that we did. What these aliens in the future had the mst trouble with was deciphering the written words at the end of the film they found. "This has been a Walt Disney Production"
We had a published author until the site racists drove him off. Good luck with your comic books Dixie. I didn't know you could draw.
We had a published author until the site racists drove him off. Good luck with your comic books Dixie. I didn't know you could draw.

I understand you dislike Dixie. But was this really necessary? I mean, wouldn't it have been better to try and find some common ground rather than toss out insults?
Dixie tries to share his ideas about his novel, and you call them "comic books". That is insulting.

Oh. I must have slipped out of character for a minute. Probably happened when I started thinking about Dixie's interactions with Poet.

Or, maybe it was because I was just reading this;!

Then again, it might have been his sig line that set me off.

Or maybe it was one of the thousand or so times he has insulted me.

In the real world, you get as you give. Sorry I didn't realize that a special exception should be made for Dixie, as long as his subject matter interested you.
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Oh. I must have slipped out of character for a minute. Probably happened when I started thinking about Dixie's interactions with Poet.

Or, maybe it was because I was just reading this;!

Then again, it might have been his sig line that set me off.

Or maybe it was one of the thousand or so times he has insulted me.

In the real world, you get as you give. Sorry I didn't realize that a special exception should be made for Dixie, as long as his subject matter interested you.

Jeez, it always has to be hostile, huh? We canb't ever have a thread with just posts pertaining to the topic? Sad. And its not just you.
Jeez, it always has to be hostile, huh? We canb't ever have a thread with just posts pertaining to the topic? Sad. And its not just you.

True, you and Southern Loser can't keep your claws in either.

To be more honest with you, I am angry that Poet was driven off this site, and for what I consider evil reasons. This thread opened that wound.
Sorry I over-reacted.
True, you and Southern Loser can't keep your claws in either.

To be more honest with you, I am angry that Poet was driven off this site, and for what I consider evil reasons. This thread opened that wound.
Sorry I over-reacted.

Southern-Loser and I haven't argued in a very long time. And I worked hard to keep things on topic. Besides, is the fact that I had a running feud with him justififcation for every hostile word?

If I left, would there be less hostility?

And while Poet may have been run off due to some bullshit, he could be pretty hostile on his own.
Southern-Loser and I haven't argued in a very long time. And I worked hard to keep things on topic. Besides, is the fact that I had a running feud with him justififcation for every hostile word?

If I left, would there be less hostility?

And while Poet may have been run off due to some bullshit, he could be pretty hostile on his own.

Only because Southern Loser hasn't posted here in a long time.

If you left, the site would lose a strong voice of sanity and moderation, but hostility would remain in abundance, I imagine that is somewhat normal on a political debate forum.

Can you honestly blame a 60 year old black homosexual intellectual for being hyper-sensitive over race issues? I agree he could be hard to bear at times, but on the other hand he was quite readily mollified by anyone with a hint of humility or compassion, and his knowledge and intelligence were a great asset to this site. Furhtermore he was funny.

This thread is a perfect example of Poet's utility.

Again, sorry I derailed the thread.
Read a short story once that had an advanced civilization studying the ruins of earth after a nuclear war. The were discussing what a strange culture it must have been and that it was amzing we had advanced to the level of technology that we did. What these aliens in the future had the mst trouble with was deciphering the written words at the end of the film they found. "This has been a Walt Disney Production"
Yea there's another sci-fi classic like that called "A Canticle For Liebowitz". It's a must read.
Wow. If you don't want to talk about writing ideas just go to another thread. Dixie posts in many where garbage like this would be more appropriate. If talking about ideas is too hard for you there are plenty of other threads talking about events.