T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
So, which shitty Central or South American country should the US try to emulate...?
This is like celebrating that the water pouring out of a collapsed dam has been reduced to a trickle because the reservoir the dam was holding water in is now empty...
Thats good news, no more undocumented people will be arriving on our borders.
That's okay. Joke has already let in about 1 in 2 (half) of all the illegals in the US. So the dam analogy is appropriate. It isn't good news for all those Americans having to pay for these assholes being here illegally. It isn't good news for all those already affected by crime that illegals commit that otherwise wouldn't happen if they weren't here. Basically, Joke has already turned illegal immigration into a huge disaster far larger than any of his predecessors had, and you asininely think that's somehow a good thing.
Refresh my memory, handjob, just how many undocumented are in this country? Is it 50, 100, or 200 million? I just cant keep track of your numbers.
Up through the Trump administration the estimated number has been 11 to 15 million. Biden by best estimates has allowed somewhere between 5 and 6 million into the US since coming to office.
That means somewhere between 1 in 2 and 1 in 3 illegals came in during Biden's term so far.
You should be totally embarrassed by the shit posted under your name. Not a single one of these links covers any of the Biden years. Had you bothered to read them you would know.
Are you really... yea, you are...
Those show the estimates before Biden.
FAIR Analysis: 5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took Office--How is Secretary Mayorkas Still Employed?
Biden Opens a New Back Door on Immigration
Just How Many Illegal Immigrants Have Entered the U.S. Under Biden? Here's an Idea.
Nearly 5 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. illegally since Biden took office
They total more than the individual populations of 25 states and more than 100 countries and territories
Amazing just how wrong you can be again!
Refresh my memory, handjob, just how many undocumented are in this country? Is it 50, 100, or 200 million? I just cant keep track of your numbers.
Try this, shitstain, from your own link of Pew Research. These overstays are far more than those crossing the border, but you are fucking unaware. Thank you handlers for this info:
In recent years, immigrants from countries outside of Mexico and Central America accounted for almost 90% of overstays, and in 2017, there were more than 30 overstays for every border apprehension for these countries.
Supreme Court sides with Biden Admin on border policy.
Suck it, you dumb fucks.
it would have been nice if the Demmycrats had kept track.....we DO know that they have processed about 200,000 asylum applications.....almost 80,000 were even approved......
so you are saying that Biden's open borders are the least of our problems........
If you gave a shit about immigration, you would care about those coming across the northern border, the millions who overstay their visas, and just disappear. No all you want are fucking brownie points to beat up on those brown people crossing the southern border.
What are you gonna do about it!
Try this, shitstain, from your own link of Pew Research. These overstays are far more than those crossing the border, but you are fucking unaware. Thank you handlers for this info:
In recent years, immigrants from countries outside of Mexico and Central America accounted for almost 90% of overstays, and in 2017, there were more than 30 overstays for every border apprehension for these countries.
Your problems, cunt, are those who overstay their visas. Far more than cross the border. What are you gonna do about it!
They should be arrested, tried, and if convicted, deported, all at their expense.