bored as shit


Filthy rich or dirt poor and a never ending supply of hot girls?

depends what you mean by dirt poor. If we are talking some shitty apartment with dirt on the windows, probably number 2. if we are talking slumdog millionaire type of poor, i'm taking the money. I could probably find a gold digger with tons of money anyway.
Whoah, isn't that the truth, the older I get, the more true that becomes. During chemo that was a different story, now it is back to very little taste or smell!

That's what happened to a friend of mine. She's so skinny now. She said that after the chemo she really didn't have much of an appetite.
∞zo;473387 said:
depends what you mean by dirt poor. If we are talking some shitty apartment with dirt on the windows, probably number 2. if we are talking slumdog millionaire type of poor, i'm taking the money. I could probably find a gold digger with tons of money anyway.

Lmao @ "slumdog millionaire type poor"
i don't know what an apple fritter is, though ive seen a few people mention it now. I'm assuming it's appley and donuty.
∞zo;473192 said:
lets ask questions of each other

favorite donut?
OK but I'll make you regret that you asked that.

Is atheism a non-prophet organization?

Is fighting for peace like screwing for virginity?

Wouldn't it be more accurate to call a funeral wake either a "sleep" or a "dead"?

Aren't you glad that large herbivores don't fly?

Why is the Internal Revenue Service called a service? Does taking other peoples money away from them qualify as a service? If so, why is Willy Horton in prison?

If "I am." is the shortest sentence in English, doesn't it follow that "I do." is the longest sentence?

If an elderly person is reading the Bible, are they religious or just studying for the final exam?

Why aren't there any left handed keyboards?

Doesn't reading a "self help" book defeat the purpose?

Isn't the phrase "A well adjusted teen ager" an oxymoron?

In football, isn't "unsportsman like conduct" really a euphamism for assualt and battery?

Isn't it odd that in baseball having four balls is a good thing?
∞zo;474025 said:
i don't know what an apple fritter is, though ive seen a few people mention it now. I'm assuming it's appley and donuty.
It's a fried pastry with apples and cinnamon with a sugar glaze. It doesn't have a hole in it so it's technically not a doughnut.
Hmmm... I thought you were going to say "Mottley Crue".
Never really was a Crue Fan. They were just another hair band to me.

There are two types of Rock Bands.

Ones with long hair, tights and lots of screaming girls

and ones who play rock music.

Crue is definatetly the former.
Actually when I frist started visiting boards like this "Mott the Hoople" was my handle but stealing a name from a rock groups is kinda lame so I changed it to Mottleydude.
Actually Damo, If I could I'd love to switch my handle to "Mott the Hoople". Everyone calls me "Mott" anyways.
Favorite Doughnut: Bismark
Favorite Beer: Alaskan Amber

Favorite Classic Horror: Psycho???

Coke or Pepsi: Coca-Cola, but the Pepsi Co. is waayyy better at all other things pop.

I would rather speak 10 languages of my choice: English, Latin, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, and Hindi.

Favorite Candy: Snickers

Super rich, for the reasons that Mott stated.