I do not predict things that I know are unlikely. I do not substitute intelligence with emotion like many Trumper’s do.

Here's a few of your famous and dumb predictions to help your memory:
Don Jr. is going to be indicted, I cant wait to see how that plays out. I expect it in December or January.
Meeting with Russians to get them to give something of value to your campaign is a crime.
How can they deny that?
Junior will be indicted and if they can prove Rump himself knew about it he will go down.
Funny to watch Rump throw his son under the bus this morning.
09/18/18I hope that as Trump is walking off the stage after the inauguration of the new president in 2021, they arrest him.
12/04/19Prison for Rudy, impeachment for his client.
Dunce, they are going to impeach the duf, you know it, but cant seem to get yourself to admit it.